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wow.. pretty cool in depth description ! added link to Tips & Tricks section, thanks for contributing !! downloaded, THANKS !!
pretty valid comments .. hat down that nobody noticed those yet, you're totally right :-)
:-) :+1:
you can always create subfolders under "User" folder using Apple Files app, to categorize presets - i'm using this hidden NS feature all the time, without that it would be mess :-) .. Just run Apple Files, go to "On my iPad > Nanostudio 2 > Instruments > Obsidian > User" .. create subfolders by taste, move paches to…
are you sure you have latest iOS 14.2 ? how many free space is on your device ? In case it is full, try delete something to free up at least 0.5 - 1 GB...
i got this situation after i updated to iOS14 ... restart fixed it too, but never happened again .. If this happens. can you seet plugins listed on other host ? Cubasis, AUM or whatever other host you have ?
and you forgot to mention that those beautiful images in that video are your own designs for Finnish postage stamps competition ;-) 👍
good idea .. you can also load NS2 diretly into AUM as IAA Generator and record it directly there without AudioBus - don't know why but i like this method more than using AB ..
Since iOS13 screen record actually captures output in stereo ;-)
that's strange.. i used electribe in few tracks amd never had single issue... may it be related to iOS14 ? Maybe there is some iOS14 related bug in Electribe..
It's actually many orders magnitude more complicated in NS2 than in Cubasis (or any other iOS DAW) because of midi/audio routing complexity which is possible in NS... just think about possibility of having child tracks (groups) which can have even multiple levels, or unlimited number of midi/audio sends... Of course, it…
cool you should also try add more wet reverb and increase "low cut" value in reverb module - it adds more high frequemcy content and less bass punch content...
check factory preset "noise crash" - that is closest i was able to get a kind of "crash cymbal" sound... try tweak it using macro knobs
yes, there are multiple options for stems export :
Nice tune ! And nice painting !! W00T and LUXE are 2 most improtant colouring plugins on iOS. AND FAC Transient for trums and sharp arpeggios !!! All three == instant sound magic.
resamplimg obsidian and using it back in obsidian for another resamplimg is very powerful workflow... fun fact: lot of Slate factory samples (kicks, snares, hihats, toms) vere created using this method in Obsidian. Basically everything in banks : Crushed LoFi, Electro 1/2, HardStep 1/2, Trance 1/2 is 100% created by…
you cannot.. NS2 exports alway in MIDI type 1 format.. it can import both 0/1.
Nope, it has ARM cpu inside to my knowledge so i guess it's custom OS. I think i saw somewhere it is coded in C++ using JUCE framework (but not sure with that)
one thing i like on your music - if you like one track, you like all of them, you have, you developed own very distinctive style ! Again your good standard :+1: , added to NS2 tracks playlist ... we have already 138 videos there !!
unfortunaletly this is true... missing this feature too ..
one tip - filter on compressor is handy not just for filtering sidechain input in case it is connected to compressor - it is useable also in case of not connected external sidechain input, compressor uses it's own audio input (audio which is compressor actually compressing) asown internal sidechain source automatically -…
if you edit velocities and add some hidden "pattern" into them, it will not sound so "same" but more dynamic.. by playing with velocity (mapped to volume) you can introduce pretty interesting grooves - it's super easy to create various velocity patterns in NS using velocity editor... very cool is left drag handle which…
yup, definitely if needed...
this exactly, i put basically on all synths 36dB hipass (zero resonance) filter around 140-180 hz to split them from bass (NS buildin filter plugin) - exception are sections of track without beat/bass (for example deep pads)
this is how iOS devices with headphone jack works since iPhone6 i think... if there is no connected cable to jack connector, device sample rate is 48khz, in case you connect headphones with microphone (eg for example apple earbuds) device switches to 44khz sample rate... DAw in theory can use any internal sample rate for…
try restart you device... somebody already reported same problem in AUM... also go to AU patch browser, tap "MANAGE" > "REFRESH" (after your restart device)
just try identify which AU causes crash (if i correctly understand, NS is crashing during loading of project ?) my guesses are Audio Damage plugins or some AudioKIT plugins ?? if you know which one causes it, just delete plugin, open your project in NS, unselect that instrument, save project without it and then reinstall…
I would suggest you Rozetta plugins - there is nice simple arpeggiator (and other midi generating plugins like simple stepmsequencer, various random note generators and so on), you just load it into MIDIfx insert effects slot .. it works like a breeze.. and for more comples arpeggios and sequences there is StepPolyArp AU…