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  • ah ok umderstand... and good to know giku will take a care about that
  • But it is listed in normal plugins list, as both audio and midiaudio variants
  • hm maybe this is not related to NS code, but just to be sure, saw this:
  • @TakkAtakk just out of curiosity, are you behind some well known project from '90s ?? Sounds like you have some experience and history :-))
  • Also good to mention that i don't use almost any mastering. I just put limiter on main mix (and adjust level of audio by gain plugin before limiter to the level where limiter doesn't squash signal too much). Thats all my mastering chain :-))) I'm always trying to fix everything by proper areangement and during mixing. In…
  • So, that's why there are those psychedelic mandalas as new project images. Now it makes sense.
  • Hm, carefull with your posts, i can see tomorrow new megatopic on ABForum "Nanostudio is an abandonware, developer is an alcoholic !!!"
  • I'm pretty sure Apple will again pull you out of bed, year from now, when iOS15 breaks again something ... So update continuity is ensured.
  • layering is easy, just use your ears :-) what i usually do is * i create new obsidian instance * i GROUP together both obsidian instances - so i can apply global effect to all instances together in case i want (which i usually want, for example LUXE plugin adds nice color to almost every sound :)) * i duplicate all clips…
  • man, you know how to do proper mature production with huge sound ! respect to your production skills !
  • I always admire when somebody makes track which sounds like it is a MUCH longer than it really is .. and not because it is boring but actually because there is soo much ideas and detail to listen and enjoy, that i get feeling like i'm listening whole album :) Good job !!
  • in case i'm allowed to put a bit criticism;-) - that closed hihat is ticking too much .. rest of track is nice beautiful evolving and smoot and that closed hat sounds too much "static" to me .. i would add some groove quantisation to it and play a bit with velocities (let's say ever 1/4 a bit quieter, and so on) rest is…
  • Limitations can be pretty inspirative, if you look at them in correct way. Recently purchased Digitakt/Digitone and having a HUGE amount of inspiration with them. Digitakt - just 8 mono tracks but WHAT you can do with them ? Incredible. Pure magic, inspiration flows through me like river.
  • Just in case you add empty time at beginning of track (*) - don't forget to disable option Trim start silence on mixdown page, otherwise Nanostudio will remove your created ampty space rom beginning of mixdown audio :) (*) most easy way is double tap on empty area and then move all selected clips to let - just don't forget…
  • :lol: HAhahaha you killed me ... I was hoping you didn't read that thread... Btw. somebody should test also state saving of AUv3 plugins, i saw mentioned at facebook iPad musician group that this is serious issue in iOS14 (not related to NS2, in general in any host) - i'm refusing to install iOS14 on my devices even…
  • yeah i use lot of automation and long automation curves on main instruments (those which are most important un particular track section).. i use also lot of lfos for making sounds not that static (lfo>filter, lfo>pan often tempo synced but with different time signatures, also very subtle lfo>pitch modulation adds "analog"…
  • If there is a real reliance on Apple in something, then in that they always something break in each release.
  • thanks thanks thanks :-) i'm glad you like it :-) @peanut_gallery yeah, Obsidian is capable of some stuff which many people even don't realise... of course there are limits and weak places but if you learn how to go around them, man. My most favourite synth i ever used. I just need force Matt to add possibility to upload…
  • as far as i know at least two weeks ago he was ok and perfectly healthy ;-)
  • thanks mate ! Yeah TB is Obsidian too, standard LP12A filter - that "vocal alike" fx is bitcrusher - chceck this, example
  • here ;-)
  • this is known limitation... because of memory usage optimalisation maximum buffer size for delay is limited and all delay settings which are exceeding max allowed buffer size are truncated to this size... becuse current devices have lot bigger memory than devices available during NS2 developement, in my opinion this limit…
  • try korvpressor, in my opinion waaay much better than RoughRider and works like a breeze in NS, using it all the time ;-)
  • selecting init just loads patch with name "Default",he overwrited it so it loads his overwritten patch... Just delete "Default" patch - next time you use "init" NS will create new Default
  • reduce just master.. you don't need take a care about volumes of individual channels, because NS is using for mixing 32 bit floating point precision (that floating point is important) which means it is almost impossible to get clipping ;) Just try it - set volumes of faders all the way up - it looks othat now it is all…
    in Mastering Comment by dendy August 2020
  • also think about using of Slate internal effects - you have 4 fx busses inside Slate, you can send any pad to one of them.. every bus has 3 fx inserts (you can reorder them by drag ndrop) - EQ, Filter, Compressor and you have also Reverb/Delay send effects - so you can do pretty much do lot of mixing job in the box inside…
  • @duresq for clip based automation (automating of INTRUMENT parameters) is also very handy to record automation to different clips than notes (you can add as much automation lanes to same track as you want, or you can have different clips together stacked even on SAME track lane - do you know ?). Then you can move…
  • @boingboing I don'r remember exact stepsor settings, but in general * i didn't used any filters for kicks, just pitch modulation (pitch envelope) * usually i made first approximate kick with long decay (release), with not that sharp transient * then i resampled it and loaded back into obsidian into sample oscillator, and…
  • oh, so all sounds are from Obsidian ? no HW synths used ? .. synths are pretty great, i would expect you sampled some analog HW :)
  • you forgot link ;-)