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  • Very interesting music.. there is a lot of complexity and variations inside, lot of musical ideas - you have my big respect well produced, and not just from technicall point of view (sound) but also with true musician spirit !!
    in Pink Callisto Comment by dendy June 2022
  • Hello Doug, You need MIDI Tools Route plugin .. you just insert it after midi plugin which output you want to record, then you add another channel to timeline, hit play end record and notes are recorded to this channel i made small video example how to do it in case it is ot clear feel free as…
  • If there is something where one can always rely on Apple, it is that they always fuck up something new in every OS update and with every new HW device ...
  • * when it happens, what shows cpu meter and right top audio device information ? * does mixdown work correctly in that case ?
  • If you mean Obsidian presets - just use "User" category instead of "All" in patch browser - until you don't visit "Factory" category but just "User", you see just your own user patches :-) You don't need take a care about disk space, Obsidian factory presets are almost entirely just synth-bases, just minimal set of samples…
  • try to reindex AU database (withn NS AU inatrument patch browser choose MANAGE > Refresh).. then try select some patch in SM, save project, reload project .. did it help ?
  • @Stiksi looks like we're thinking same way 🤝 nope, just start and stop..
  • unfortunately no.. this is just NS2->other app/hw sync Althouth, theoretically, in case there is tsome link/start stop compatible app which is also capable to receive controller "play/stop" commands (midi mmc) - then this may work - you woukd be able to trigger play of this hypothetic app and then this app will trigger…
  • That's less than average monthly salary of senior C++ developer in UK. Just sayin', to put numbers in perspective.
  • that's ok, i'm just in love with physics and cosmology probably more than with music 😂
  • weak force is actually very important, without it there would be no nuclear fusion inside stars, eg. no elements needed for life created, eg. universe would be cold dark lifeless place. nanostudio would be never created ! don't underestimate weak force !
  • ❤️ 👍💯
  • i hate subscriptions for anything otger than Netflix or iCloud .. I rather pay for app higher price, for example equivalent to 5 years of subscription and for every IAP too, but i simply need to have (completely irrational) subjective feeling of owning app, not just renting. I need to be emotionally attached to app (or hw…
  • put those tracks to bandcamp as EP for like 5£ , my bets are you sell some .. just put link on AB forum, maybe you'll be surprised :-)
  • agree with richard, i would like those tracks more without vocals :-))) On other side maybe without they will be a bit empty in some parts, so probably it's ok.. sounds PRO anyway, it's jusy that indon't like vocals too much in general ... btw you talented bastard, not only you are great coder and UI/UX designer (stiksi…
  • don't try to overthink it ;-) my way is usually switch random scales and transposes and then try play keys until i hit something i like :-) Let tour ears guide you :-)
  • yes exactly transpose... default C - 0 ... + 2 == you are in D ... +3 == D# .. and so on
  • that second sine-like bass, souns to me like it should be played octave lower .. just try transpose notes octave down, i think it will get the prober huge dnb sub-bass feeling
  • here is NS peoject with patch and additionally FAC Chorus, FabFilter Saturn 2 and Bram Bos WOOT applied on FX chain on that patch here wav examples just patch and patch with applied external FXs…
  • 2:47 "Jump up" .. it's not same but i think kinda in that direction, isn't it ? Pure obsidian patch, no external FX
  • in this back, preset "rhythm evil" in 3 variations, rewind to 5:33 also at 2:50 patch "jump up" may be interesting for you. you can download original "rhythm evil" patch for free here:
  • Wow this is really great... lot of stuff happening there, lot of great melodies and harmonies, very interesting .. :+1:
    in Nocturne Comment by dendy April 2021
  • "R" stands for "read" not recording :) these R/W buttons are related to track automation of bundled FX plugins,.. to record insert fx automation, enable "W" (write) then hit play and tweak for example cutoff of filter plugin which you inserted to track.. it records automation.. "R" then can enable or disable this recorded…
  • you have activated track auomation view... in this view tapping track header you jump inside that track to see all automatable insert effects on track to jump out of this view, just tap white active icon at top left side
  • yeah of course it is basically very similiar principle (wavetable oscillator is a bit advanced version becasue it can crossfade between different waveforms, which basic VA oscillator can't)) this is one of most common methods of generating basic oscillator waveforms in DSP synths, because generating waves mathematically…
  • there is no unified standard which wrequency should have middle .. some synths are using 262hz, other 131hz.. seco d standard is i think more common, Obsidian is using it.. but as i said, many synhs are using one, many are using other... no universal,standard defined here.. exactly, this is part of CPU optimization(and…
  • nope. Those parameters are actually doing EXACTLY what you see on display :-) Na osaw consists from 7 saw instances - detune affects maximal detuning of first and last wave and spread defines what is difference between individual saws - if they are more close to first and last, or they are detuned in more linear wav... try…