dendy - souncloud - bandcamp - facebook - linkedin - instagram


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  • Are you GPT based chat bot ?
  • Doesn't work in NS2.
  • Very interesting music, like it a lot !
  • Main problem of Logic stock plugins is that they have absolutely horrible UI. It's just endless list of buttons and knobs which you need to scroll up and down.. try do some meaningful sound design let's say in Sculpture, which is huge wall of 127 parameters .. Absolutely unusable. And not speaking even about the fat that…
  • correct but i would rather put "GAIN" build in FX on main mix changel and automatite it's gain value, instead of automating directly channel volume fader - that way you will be still able to set realive volume by fader and gain FX will simply fade volumne from 100% to 0 ..
  • NS sends clock to all midi outs ;) It just doesn’t sent MMC (start/stop)
  • i have zero clue :)) Those are just thing i'm really missing :))
  • * MIDI MMC (start/stop) OUT - to be able sync my hw gear and make NS brain of my hw setup * realtime audition of quantize feature (like when playback is running and i tweak quantize parameters to actually hear shiftetd notes)
  • Really dope stuff ! Like the "psychedelic" vibe in first tune very much ! Whole EP very high musical quality - this is what i like on your music, it's realy Music not just some loops and simple beats gluet together .. there are melodies, harmonies, progress, track evolves, changes, always surprises with something - you are…
  • good that you made this detailed explanation and also the pre-made midi files with guide notes .. i always wanted to do it but i'm too lazy lol using this workflow for years.. what i do is i switch to some scale in keyboard view, hit record play quickly all notes of that scale, then i switch to editor and quantize recorded…
  • very good job, diverse and interesting tracks, very emotional.. thumbs up !
  • oscillators starts always phase synced... actually to get phase random start you need this as mod source and this as mod destination for all osc types except of sample oscillator in case of sample oscillator, phase is not defined so you need modulate sample start (use just small value 0-10 in this case, it's basically % of…
  • @kitejan it definitel doesn't work on my iPad mini (same hw as original iPad2)
  • i have iO16 and didn't noticed any problems in NS2 .. i have iPad MINI 5 and iPhone XS MAX .. on both it runs smooth but note that except of miRack and FabFilter plugins i do not use almost any AUv3, just NS2 bundled stuff ..
  • Alchemy was removed from appstore by dev when it was sold to apple so you can't buy it, but if you have 32bit device and you previously bought it when it was available, you can still download it rom Appstore Only problem is that AUDIOBUS doesn't work on that old iOS in NS1, so you can't directly sample into NS2, you need…
  • mini 1 is old, almost ancient device :-) it has same (32bit!!) A5 chip like old original iPad2 ... it runs iOS 9.something so all old 32 bit apps runs like charm on it :) manages to get my hands on one model in perfect condition, even batter holds like new ..
  • Did same recently :) Found very old iPad MINI 1 , installed NS1, had lot of fun .. suprising how this app still didn't aged, still very potent music creation enviroment ..
  • easiest way is enable select track mode and select all tracks by tapping on header and then from "+" menu choose "group X selected" (ignore that in my screenshot is already "MAIN MIX" channel, i made it quickly just for illustrating where to tap at bottom icons area)
  • Thanks, added to tips&tricks section !
  • you're welcome, if you have any additional question about NS2 feel free to return here, you can always find people happy to help here :)
  • @TakkAtakk ok thanks for reminder, completely forgot about this solution :-)) i even don't remember writing that article lol 🤣😂
  • cool will check your bandcamo ns1/2 stuff when will be back at computer ;)
  • digging from grave this old forgotten thread lol in case anybody still interested ;-) recently was trying something in Obsidian and coincidently made sound which reminded me this thread :-)) Just plain obsician, i guess wih applying some external FX (like Brams WOOT) it may sound even much better ..…
  • check my andswer here, maybe it helps or if you want to make just final mix down and it is clipped/distored, just group all tracks in your project into one master track and then put volume fader of that master track…
  • did you changed from "finak mix" to "all tracks" (or eventually too level tracks or soloed tracks) ? This is way to get multi track export..
  • i don't have spotify nor apple music but if you put your music on i would immediately buy it.. mind blowed by tunes you have on Youtube, very deep and emotional music, one of most "musical" pieces i ever heard made in NS2 .. absolute top notch ! Big respect !
  • Very interesting music.. there is a lot of complexity and variations inside, lot of musical ideas - you have my big respect well produced, and not just from technicall point of view (sound) but also with true musician spirit !!
    in Pink Callisto Comment by dendy June 2022