Apple certainly makes it difficult sometimes. Have you tried uninstalling NS2? Back up any files you want to keep, then uninstall NS2. After you reinstall NS2, reinstall IAPs one at a time with a good connection. You can have problems if the files don’t download completely, or you try to download multiple files. I would…
Charging you again sounds like an AppStore snafu. Are you sure you are logged in to the Appstore with the exact same account? I suggest shutting down NS2, and rebooting it. It generally will scan for new patches at start up, but you can also try opening a new Obsidian track and press ‘Patch’ (upper lefthand corner) then…
Hi Leenaa! Which Nanostudio do you use?
Was that not one of your questions?
My favorite color is green.
PS the SWAM bundle looks super tasty. It’s on my ‘save up for it’ list.
Hey @Jemanike! Wecome to the forum, and to NS2! Many of us either have used and/or still use other DAWs - there are certainly pros & cons with all of them. So one ‘con’ with NS2 is that you can’t use the AUv3 app controller (keys, strings, holes, whatever) to directly record MIDI notes in NS2. Now you enter the Workaround…
I do a lot of work just on the screen of the iPad Pro (2018), but my mobile setup it to bring the Korg NanoKey Studio, which is OK for basic stuff. For a more formal home studio session I use the Novation Launchkey 61. In that setup, I use the HYPER HyperDrive Ultimate 11 Port USB 3.0 Type-C Hub because it has an audio…
I had to read the manual, because I wasn’t familiar with that function since I usually use copy/paste.
If you have content in a part, like a drum pattern, bassline, chord, arpeggio, etc., and select cycle, then pull the white drag handle to the right, the part will repeat. Basically another way of doing copy/paste.
Amen! No pressure. I’m curious to hear some examples and maybe try it out myself, even though I’m not doing anything ‘strummy’ at the moment.
Cool! Maybe post the results in the Creations section, when you feel ready. It’d be nice to hear the results.
I have not, although it looks interesting. It should be fine as long as you are aware that recording directly from AUv3 apps requires a work-around. If not check out the link below:
There were a number of tweaks required for each screen size. I don’t remember the interations, but it may have been that the graphs were added to fill some extra room on the iPad Pro size…? To be honest I rarely look at them. Just an occassional glance at the battery level.
I like the distorted bass - so gritty. Completely agree with the ease of working MIDI notes in NS2. I wish I had NS2 on an iPhone (or iPad) when I was first studying music. That would have been a lot easier than pencil & paper.
Interesting observation. So to start with the iPhone, which nobody asked about, that has an Audio CPU graph on the Setting page only due to an effort to keep other pages uncluttered. My iPad Pro has the following Mixer screen: I’m guessing you saw something similar on Doug’s video? My old iPad Air isn’t able to run NS2…
Ah ha! There you go! Thanks ! @TakkAtakk
I think someone posted a workaround for ghost notes a while back. Maybe search for that post. Could have something we wouldn’t think of. Whenever I have done something like this I just moved the reference notes an octave or two out of the way. Not sure if that would work for what you are doing….?
I guess I don’t see the use of MIDI clock without start/stop of the hardware device. It isn’t I situation I ever find myself in though. For me it is just simple MIDI channels in master/slave configuration. So if you have a real world usage that explains this better, I’m all ears.
Huh. Good idea. You guys must do way more fades than I do. I just change the mixer fader or it’s automation. In volume automation I would likely select all and raise or lower as necessary during mixing. My method is less sophisticated. I’ll keep the technique in mind and perhaps find a use for it. As usual, more than one…
Yes. Or you can fade in/out individual tracks/parts during a song.
Yes. Or you can fade in/out individual tracks/parts during a song.
I expect to use NS2 as-is and build my workflow accordingly. Some of the features mentioned here could be nice to have. For me… what dendy said: MIDI clock out would be fun and I wouldn’t mind real time audition of quantization. More useful would be trg-like sample/resample into Slate. However none of these are stopping me…
There are a couple of ways. If you want your entire piece to fade in or out you can hit Record and slide the Master Out slider up/down and the changes will be recorded. Another way is to use the Automation Editor and draw the fade in/out. The section of the manual titled ‘Automation Editor’ will cover the basics on that.…
No need. We know.
Sorted. I see NS2 is back in the Appstore.
I suspect some BS from Apple is afoot.
I doubt switching away from NS2 will be required. I sent a message to Matt and we’ll see how long this takes to get sorted.
If you haven’t already see them, there are some patches on as well as some great banks made by dendy located here:
Hey Wyvern! Welcome to the forum. I and most people on this forum agree with your thoughts on NS2. I can’t speak for Blip Interactive but in my opinion NS2 isn’t facing a “dead” status anytime soon. I have no desire to “shoot you down”, but I would note that NS2 was updated to v 2.1.2 about a year ago, and Matt stated he…