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  • Hey Wyvern! Welcome to the forum. I and most people on this forum agree with your thoughts on NS2. I can’t speak for Blip Interactive but in my opinion NS2 isn’t facing a “dead” status anytime soon. I have no desire to “shoot you down”, but I would note that NS2 was updated to v 2.1.2 about a year ago, and Matt stated he…
  • Happy New Year to you JWM, and all of the NS2 fans out there. Your EP is another fine example of how so many different styles of music can be created with NS2. Let’s hope 2023 is a good one for all of us.
  • No. I think Apple was short-sighted in nurturing the app world and should have done things differently, but that’s just like my opinion man. A lot of great apps have come and gone. No one knows if the 15% (instead of 30%) rate from 2007 would have helped some devs make it, but I think I can speculate that it would have…
  • @number37 yes, I have recently become aware that Apple now takes 15% instead of the older 30% (as of Jan 1, 2021), and that is a step in the right direction. Perhaps an additional 15% of sales will make it viable for some devs to continue developing. On the other hand, that extra 15% still wouldn’t compare to developing…
  • I can see how NS2 might not be an ideal workflow for spontaneous Ambient. Do you record AUM sessions to AudioShare and then build up audio tracks in FLSM? Or do you record right into FLSM audio tracks? I’d think such a thread might be of interest if there was some comment on your FLSM workflow and what you feel is lacking…
  • I briefly tried FLSM many years ago. I’ll have to give it another look to see how audio is handled. I assume it is faster/more intuitive for you than using audio in Slate?
  • @anickt I agree with your metaphor and do hope for Audio Tracks one day. I’m just curious about your normal workflow. What are you recording to audio tracks in FLSM? AUv3 instrument tracks or live instruments and vocals?
  • I’m not skilled enough for live production. 😀 I have been impressed by those who can pull that off though. For me it’s NS2-style sequence-based song view composing over many sessions and often months or years of returning to fiddle with things. So… the opposite of live. Dead? Despite that Fluss looks like an interesting…
  • @starkfvx It must be tricky to come into iOS (during the pandemic?!) and try to figure out all the quirkiness of this platform. I started with music apps on the iPhone 3GS and it was all frustrating until I got NS1. Back then apps couldn’t connect with IAA, MIDI, or AUv3. There was just a copy/paste of audio. And NS1 was…
  • He seems to be doing well. Working and carrying on with life. I wish him the best.
  • @jwmmakerofmusic I’ve only barely heard of Fluss. I haven’t bought it and if there was a contest, I am not aware of it. I’m sure I’ll check it out eventually. What about it do you like?
  • @Pumpte I hear what you are saying - it sucks that it can’t be different. We were all so hopefull when NS2 launched. We all wanted so much from the scratchpad that once was NS1. For the record, the iPad & iPhone versions were developed at the same time. The iPad was released first and then iPhone just needed some tweaks &…
  • Sen Blackburn (R-TN) is behind new legislation that takes a crack at breaking the control of big tech on social media. Part of what I heard proposed is stopping Apple from taking 1/3 the price of an app. The bill is unlikely to pass as is, so this is mostly pipe-dream speculation, but… If devs got more money for their…
  • @Pumpte I hear what you are saying and agree with the sentiment of what you are posting. First thing - actually you are not correct: NS1 was way more successful and it funded NS2. Support for NS2 wasn’t there and he needed to make the hard decision to get a full-time job to supoort his family. None of us can argue against…
  • @starkfvx he has said that. I would add that some people just aren’t active social media users. He is also at the top of the list of disappointment that things didn’t work out better. 6 years of work and the results were weak sales because so many were either were stuck on another app or just waited until the price dropped…
  • Cool! Thanks for coming back to let us know all is well.
  • Nice video! Certainly a useful tip that I never thought of. Interesting to see someone else’s workflow.
  • Nicely chilled tracks!
  • Thanks for the explanation dendy!
  • Hey @Pumpte! The overly short story is the app wasn’t supported very well when released and the dev had to go back to a real job to support his family. He gave a committment to fix any minor things that iOS updates break, but further development is on hold until a more opportune time. No iOS apps have every feature we…
  • Just speculating…. I wonder if we created a GoFundMe, just how much we’d have to raise for it to be financially viable to complete the development…? I’d kick in $500. That bring us to $1,625. Anyone else? I’m guessing (with no evidence) that we’d need to break $100,000. That can be reached by getting $25 from 4,000 people.…
  • Hey aoverflow! Interesting situation. Before trying to replicate your situation, I’ll guess it is connected to MPE. Have you tried turing MPE off inside GeoShred Control? I don’t have that app, but I use GeoShred sometimes as an AUv3 instrument. I’ve never noticed a problem using GeoShred’s controller, but I only ever used…
  • OK @boomer , that makes you the newest guinea pig. I always wait as long as I can. If it ain’t broke, don’t iOS update.
  • I didn’t know that I could still download old apps onto new/old iDevices. I think with Alchemy, after it was acquired by the Borg, you could no longer download the IAP soundbanks. If I can get Alchemy onto a new/old device, maybe I can find a way to insert the IAP soundbanks from my existing iDevices…. Maybe. Probably not.
  • Thanks @kitejan!! That’s good to know. I bought NS1 (of course) and also Alchemy. I have them on 2 devices and have worried about loosing access if those devices fail. Getting an old used device on iOS 10 seems to be a good option. Then I’ll have to figure out how to transfer the Alchemy libraries to the new/old device…
  • If you get a 32 bit iOS device, is it still possible to load NS1 onto it? Presuming you bought it before it was removed from the AppStore. How about Alchemy? Any 32 bit apps…?
  • You’re old iPad Mini1 didn’t have NS1 and you were able to install NS1 on it? I thought NS1 was gone from the AppStore and 32 bit apps could no longer be downloaded. Am I wrong on that…? I agree that NS1 is still a potent music creation tool!
  • Excellent detail pointed out by Mr. @number37. I also was confused by this early on. The manual isn’t super clear on the distinction between adjusting the grid and adjusting notes, nor that Swing should be applied to already recorded notes. I rarely use swing but it helps me to think of adjusting the notes away from the…
  • I now always try to ensure that by the time I come to save the project I’m done with Koala and it’s been unloaded already. Sounds like a sound workflow to me. I try to do this with all Ext MIDI or AUv3 instances as well. I use Slate for small bits or if I like the sound enough for re-use I create Obsidian patches from…