Nice tracks!
Great! That’s the same iPad I have, so it’s good news for me.
@dendy I smelt a hint of AI on the post you quoted. Bobheads post was legit, and for that concern I can say that NS2 is working fine on my iPhone 8+ iOS 16.5.1 (can’t upgrade my iPad or I’ll lose an app, but no doubt it will he fine there too). Fortunately the AI aren’t rude like trolls. Once someone creates AI trolls……
Development has stalled, but there has been no decision to abandon it. As it stands Matt committed to fixing things broken by iOS updates, while he focuses on working a job and raising his family. The forum wasn’t dismantled, and the Feature Request was left as is in the remote hope that one day development could resume.…
Nice blend of styles!
The Appstore can be a hassle. Closing down NS2, and the device, and trying again when you have good wifi should handle the situation.
No. Development has stalled. For now NS2 is what it is. Your original question sounds like it relates to the performance knobs on Obsidian, and you are creating patches that are controlled by an Ext MIDI controller, is that right? Are you saying that the position of the knobs change when you return to a project? Or is the…
Did you purchase Nanostudio 2?
I’m not sure what specifically you are asking about, but I suspect you are asking about crossfaded loop points within individual samples, and then I think the short answer is “no.” Unless you are you asking about the Spectral Loop Mode on the Sample OSC…? Or crossfading velocity layers of samples across multiple Sample…
I assumed that Leenaa was a chatbot, but decided to wait and see. Maybe it’ll start making some good recommendations on workarounds. Maybe we could feed it the NS2 source code and have it create new features…? 😳 [will this be the last thing I post before AI brings the world to an end?]
Very creative mash up! Please don’t let anyone know you have vocals in an NS2 project because the lack of audio tracks makes that impossible to many if not most. It could open a big can of worms.
Not much is up. Just creating music in something other than Logic Pro. All the cool kids are hanging out on AB Logic Pro forum these days.
When a DAW has so many features in cumbersome UI that it stiffles workflow and gets in the way of creating music… that’s a deal breaker for me. Nanostudio 1 was first conceived as a “scratch pad” and people would “finish” projects in other software. I wonder if some will use NS2 to create the music and then finish projects…
Thanks for your evaluation @MisplacedDevelopment That’s in line with what I have been thinking. I am so used to the UI/UX of NS2 that something like Logic seems too much learning curve until I have a few months of free time set aside. I use the Piano Roll in NS2 a lot to adjust what I play or create variations. How does…
Welcome @Strangechilde ! It is pretty amazing the different types of music that can be created with NS2. Stick with it and enjoy!
The original post is confusing. Is there a problem finding AUv3 instruments? Can you clarify with a specific case? I’m just trying to help, but if you have resolved the issue, please let us know.
The safest practice is to first Archive a project, then export it from NS2 by the method one prefers (Airdrop, Files, Dropbox, email, etc.), or using WebDAV such as CyberDuck, iFunbox, or SynciOS. The manual details the reasons for this under Projects > Archiving, as well as Settings > WebDAV.
Just to clarify, you mention both AUv3 instruments and effects. Are you not finding either? For AUv3 instruments, in the lower left bottom of the sequencer song view screen long press the ‘+’ in a circle and then press “Add AU instrument track”. Double click that newly created track and you should see a list of AUv3…