New DigiStix app works quite nicely in NS2. Its sequencer locks to NS2 so I just use its pattern and song mode. It does some things with a tap or two (like fade in/out, reverse play, probability etc) that are more involved or don’t exist in NS2. I think it’s a great supplement. This is a work in progress using one of the stock kits in DS and a couple of Obsidians. The only downside is sometimes it doesn’t make any sound in mixdown like some other AU’s. I dropped NS2 into AUM to record this.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/rvtr3sljo9onysh/DigiTest - 120 bpm.wav?dl=0
Does the silent export have anything to do with what sample rate you’re exporting in? Does it go silent if you change the buffer size in NS settings while it’s playing?
Usually the AUs that export as silence do so consistently because they fail to respond correctly to buffer size changes, so if it sometimes exports fine and sometimes not, it’s a new and exciting bug.
I think it’s the same issue and nothing new or exciting. Changing settings doesn’t effect playback and I can’t get it to export under any circumstances now. Maybe I dreamed it?!
This is a bit strange because other plugins from 4 pockets are without issues .. they obviously did something wrong / different in DigiStix .. it would be good to report to them this problem (together with information that other plugs are working OK)
maybe this is related to fact that this is instrument and their other plugins are effects ?
Actually I have found some 4pockets fx that don’t export. I may be able to look into it a little more tomorrow.
i have just OvedriveFX and ShimmerFX - they both render corrrectly even on 32bit/96khz
I just spent some time and 4Pockets fx I tried do render correctly. I was using one (Atomizer) that has a filter and I must have inadvertently changed a setting which was causing its filter to shut down.
No luck with DigiStix. I notified the dev that it’s not exporting properly.
Except the pitch shifter in ShimmerFX isn’t supposed to work outside 44,1. If it works, they must have added support and not made a big deal about it 😮
oh ok didn't tested it so deeply, no idea if this works or not
The dev will be posting an update soon with a fix for the silent mixdown. He has a 1.04 update going in to review. His 1.05 update will fix this issue.
Update is live.

Now, wish than other plugin devs will take this approach as inspiration ;-)
Yep! This dev is great