Very nice work @Den_K that piano work is really nice. Really tight drum programming and the neuro bass is great! Exceptional first effort hope you are enjoying NS2
Many thx for everyone ! I had experience with a lot off iOS daw (Cubasis, Auria, Gadget, BTM3) but NanoStudio is more stable and have great workflow it’s so simple and very good sound! Now it’s my favorite daw
@Den_K said:
Many thx for everyone ! I had experience with a lot off iOS daw (Cubasis, Auria, Gadget, BTM3) but NanoStudio is more stable and have great workflow it’s so simple and very good sound! Now it’s my favorite daw
Yeah I got them all too but was really happy when cubasis was announced as I’m using cubase, but to my huge disappointment cubasis is unstable, lags like hell even with few inbuild instruments and generally it’s not really inspirational tool for me and then they come to ask 4-5 quid for an arp:DDD only reason I still got it installed is waves plugins and time stretch
And now I’m hardly touching my pc and happily do everything on iPad. Since day one I had no crash and I use auv3 as well so massive respect to that one man coding army of Matt:D and when we get that audio tracks it is going to be killer.
Very nice work @Den_K that piano work is really nice. Really tight drum programming and the neuro bass is great! Exceptional first effort
hope you are enjoying NS2 
Yeah boy!!! Got black sun empire feel out of this and then those guitars started yeah!!! Great tune, love it!!!
Welcome here btw!
Many thx for everyone ! I had experience with a lot off iOS daw (Cubasis, Auria, Gadget, BTM3) but NanoStudio is more stable and have great workflow it’s so simple and very good sound! Now it’s my favorite daw
Yeah I got them all too but was really happy when cubasis was announced as I’m using cubase, but to my huge disappointment cubasis is unstable, lags like hell even with few inbuild instruments and generally it’s not really inspirational tool for me and then they come to ask 4-5 quid for an arp:DDD only reason I still got it installed is waves plugins and time stretch
And now I’m hardly touching my pc and happily do everything on iPad. Since day one I had no crash and I use auv3 as well so massive respect to that one man coding army of Matt:D and when we get that audio tracks it is going to be killer.
Very good song. And you didn’t go to weird and crazy on it and that’s what I like about it.
@Den_K nice job!

This is right up my alley!!