Sample start ( multisample )
I would like to see the addition of some way of selecting sample start position in obsidian that doesn’t require you to go into the editor and resave a cut version when using more than one sample mapped across the keyboard.
I like to bring in long samples of bass with modulations on and map different parts to different keys. I could do this in Slate but I like the other features the sampler has to offer like the filters etc. Being able to loop with loop handles without having to save would also be cool 😎
The addition of save selection is handy though.
Man of course you can do this :-) There is modulation target "sample offset" - you can modulate it with macro knob (eg. automate), or LFO, or even random or fixed value
value of modulation is simply percentual value of sample position ... so let's say with this settin, it will start play exactly in middle:
Hi Dendy
I know you can do this on a single sample but What if it’s multisample
Say you have the same sample but mapped separately 5 times on 5 keys that you want to start in different places. The sample start is global, it wouldn't work as it would adjust all starts?
It would be nice if each multisample could have its own sample start/end/loop with non destructive editing of the original sample.
Well, you can map sample start to Key and then find suitable values on the keyboard. Fiddly, but works. Individual sample offset settings would be nice, though.
Aah understand... what you want is basically non-destructive sample start and sample loop editing - this would be great addition not just for Obsidian but also for slate (as part of non destructive loop slicing)
I think this is on todolist cause many sampling-oriented users asked for this, but i don't think before audio tracks, because this is a quite complex feature to add...
Yeah that’s what I mean 😛
I make ( well try to make ) neurofunk so I have loads of bass samples that are 1 min long and this would make it so easy to map samples
At the moment I’m filling up my iPad with snippets and edits of the original sample. Im not sure what I have used where as well 😬
you want to play these samples chromatically or you want just trigger them from some position ?
In case it's just about triggering them, there is alterative - Slate.. if you load sample into Slate pad, there is knob "offset" in sample settings tab... this way you can load same sample into all slate pads just trigfer different sample start on every one using that knob
it's not perfect (that knob is not linear) but useable for some use cases
Yeah but I like the filter on Obsidian
I’ll work round it for time being
You can automate the Slate bus filters. It’s the same filter as in Obsidian except it doesn’t do the more advanced filters like formant, comb and waveshaper.
Thanks for reminding me of that, @Stiksi - I'd forgotten about that option for shaping samples