I suspect a lot of the reason for these sorts of problems depend upon which hardware and iOS we are talking about. I would suggest you follow the same steps with your iPhone. I agree! A lot of NS2 users really love the ability to create when away from the PC/Mac/iPad. Then when I am infront of those devices at home I…
Glad to hear it worked out! The situation is a bit crazy, but it seems to me that Apple is creating problems all the time and devs must deal with the fallout. Maybe things get better in the future.
Nice stuff! Those were NS1 tracks? You were pushing the limit on Eden.
Also, welcome to the forum!
Hello Nito from Germany! I lived in Frankfurt for a couple of years and I miss the bratwurst and beer. And the glühwein! Welcome to the forum. I also am a former NS1 guy, but I must sadly say that this forumnis mostly a ghost town these days. As to your problem: I will guess that you did not read this thread:…
I’m re-reading the OP and I’m not quite sure what the question is. I may not be of much help since I don’t use Scaler2, but Scaler is just creating chord progressions, basslines, and melodies right? I don’t get what would be missed by exporting MIDI out of Scaler 2, unless it is subtle LFO modulation type stuff on some…
On the LFO page, try adjusting the Level and Rate. Setting rate to 1/12 produced an interesting rhythmic feel I kinda liked. It may not be right for all projects though. Try switching Osc waves or messing with the filters. Save with Save As for any versions you want to save and keep messing around until you find sounds you…
I’ve never tried to do this so I may be wrong, but I don’t think this is possible. The “clunky” method of capturing MIDI with Scaler2 (I don’t use that either) and importing it may be the only method. Let us know how it goes, especially if you find a better work-around.
Hmm. Seems like your Prodigy track fits the Creations vibe to me. It may not be strictly a NS2 project, but it is a creative endeavor that used NS2 on your track, so…. Yeah. It’s something to be proud of and shows NS2 can be part of more complex workflows.
NS2 is king for me too, and I also have had to focus on other things for a while. I hope to get back to music around the end of the year or early 2025. NS2 is suffering from a lack of exposure these days. I have some ideas I hope to follow up on in 2025, but I agree that social media is key. Something I’m not too good at…
That’s awesome. Having one of your heroes hear your take on his music and like it is pretty much a dream come true. Contrats on that! NS2 warriors are still out there, but I fear the numbers are dwindling. It would be nice if NS2 users popped in once in a while and let us know if and how they are using NS2. I figure NS2…
Wow! Lots of work on that album. Which tracks were created using NS2?
If you press the speaker & note icon at the lower left hand corner, you can hear notes when you press the tiny little keyboard to the left or as you place notes on the piano roll.
I would borrow or buy an old PC to run NS1. Should be able to get a used PC for cheap I would guess. Then you would have Nanosync, which should be better at handling .nsp files. I haven’t used NS1 in ages so I’m not sure I can help, but I can’t quite figure out what you are trying to do. You can upload .nsp, .wav, and MIDI…
I’m not sure. To make it from scratch as a pure synth preset probably is possible, but I haven’t tried it. If it were me I would first try to get a sample online. Then in Obsidian tweak the sound a bit to the desired degree. You could even use your voice as a sample.
In NS1, did you try adjusting the Buffer Latency?
It’s been a while since I used NS1 on PC. The latency will likely be an issue between your MIDI controller and the PC, so which driver to use is likely dependent upon those variables. I don’t remember there being any special driver required on my PC, and since I’m out of town I can’t check on that right now. Maybe you have…
Me Too! I would never say never, but I wouldn’t hold my breath either.
Thanks Matt! Some good stuff in that post. Re-purchase (one at a time) instead of Restore. Got it. Hope the “proper job” is going well!
The first thing I see is that your sample has some empty space at the begining. I would trim that to right where the file starts. That way when the note in the Piano Roll starts, so will the sample. I can’t see what might be causing the sample to repeat at bar 2. I suspect the settings in the Obsidian Sample OSC at causing…
If you are just trying to have a track play (maybe it’s drums, bass, pads, whatever) over the entire new project, I think it will be easier to do in Slate. Using samples in Obsidian is for creating sample-based patches (like a piano), or for processing samples through the Obsidian FX to create creative creations. If that…
Post some photos of what you’ve done so I have an idea of what’s going on
Automap is for multiple samples
What hardware/OS are you using?
Create track for Slate to desired length. Create note on Pad 1 (for this example) and make it as long as desired. Here it is 8 bars, but make it 80, or 180, or….
Set up a new Slate Kit and import the audio to Pad 1
What’s going on there? Files added together into a new .wav?