List of plugins with problem in sample rate handling
There are some plugins with problems in sample rate handling implementation. In nutshell they are internally fixed to sample rate defined by iOS (device hardware) and they are ignoring sample rate used by host app. Most of current iOS hosts deals with this diplomatic way - they use for realtime playback (and mixdown) just device sample rate (44khz on older devices, 48khz on new devices or on devices iPhone 6S+ when using build in speakers).
You can easy identify such issue easily - just try export project at 96khz bitrate - sound would be distorted with crackles or pitch issues (usually both). Another manifestation of this issue are freezes during mixdown at higher bitrates, or super slow mixdown (like 0.1x of realtime playback rate ). Next known case of this issue is on new iPad PRO 2018, where it is broken even during realtime playback ( Read Matt's comment here: )
Purpose of this thread is to create list of such plugins. Please add here all plugin where you experience this issue, i will update this first post to have them listed on one place.
- AudioLayer
- MicroTera
Reverb ? ( * )
Beep Street
Elliot Garrage
Egsy01 ? ( ** )
ApeSoft http://apesoft.itiVSC3
Audio Damage 2
(*) Probably still contains older implementation. However based on reports it looks like this issue is present in all VirSyn plugs.
(**) Not tested yet. Please, if somebody owns this synth, try it and let me know. Thanks.
good news from Waveshaper developer ;-)

Thanks for starting this thread and getting in touch with ElliottGarage @dendy. I've been very busy trying to nail down AU issues so I can gather as many fixes as possible into a release fairly soon so the help's very much appreciated.
The most common issues I've seen with AUs are:
I can't remember which ones do what, just that they're the main symptoms looking out for!
Just for reference:
Also VirSyn Addictive but when my interface is connected I have no issues at all with these same plug ins.....
I have a problem with Poison-202. Not a big one but well worth reporting.
When I load the presets A53, A54 or A55 in the browse menu, it takes me up to the top of the list. I guess it's because the name of the preset has a '.' in it.
I can confirm this erratic behavior. It might indeed be caused by the ‘.’ in the patch name, but I think the problem actually lies with Obsidian’s predjudice against Electric Pianos.
Hi guys,
Thanks for reporting this issue with the BLEASS delay. We're gonna fix this in the next few days.
@Alex_from_BLEASS cool, thanks ! Btw. i like this delay a LOT, good job !
@dendy Thanks! Seems to be corrected on our side, we need to make some testing to verify if everything is okay and then we will release the update.
We will keep you in touch.
@dendy the new version has been approved by Apple, so the bug should be fixed by now.
Coool, thanks ! Ok removing your app from list
I wish other devs will follow your exceptional example 
@Alex_from_BLEASS apps are great. Very unique. Everyone should get them!
Thanks for your support!
I love them too, maybe a bit too much, because I would love to be able to set permanent values to the Transform pad on BLEASS Reverb. It sounds amazing but I can’t use all the features in NS2.
You mean a hold button in order to keep the values?
Or something to that effect, yes please! 🤤
DerVoco plays back just fine, but it won't render anything for me (freezes during mixdown). This wasn't an issue as I could simply record the output of NS2 into AudioShare via AudioBus and bring that back into NS2's File System and edit the audio file via Slate.
There's one problem now. IAA will be deprecated in iOS 13. This could royally f- me over if DerVoco isn't updated and/or fixed. @Blip Interactive @dendy Are you chaps able to contact Beepstreet and see if they can't get the bugfix out within a month?
Thank you.
You don't need IAA for recording DerVoco into NS throug audiobus. You can route NS into AB and from AB back to NS and record into Onsidian or Slate wht is NS playing... realtime resampling
Deprecating IAA will NOT kill Audiobus !
@dendy Bloody hell, I never knew I could do that! Well that streamlines the process tenfold doesn't it?
Good man. Thanks mate.
@jwmmakerofmusic read this post, there is more detailed description how to use AB for realtime resamplimg of NS2 output back to NS2 sampler
It’s early days, but I’m gonna bet that the depreciation will not mean a sudden evaporation of IAA with iOS 13. Seems this could be more of an official nudge to encourage devs to go the AUv3 route. Like Blip predicted. 🤨
Yeah that's another thing. I'm not expecting complete dropping of IAA sonner than in iOS14, probably iOS15 .. this is at least 2 years from now, and in that time we all will be probably enslaved by superAI so dropping IAA will be last thing which will bother us :-D
Thanks again mate. 🙂