Blip Interactive Forums
Discuss all things Nanostudio
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If you think you may have found a new bug species in NS2, please post a Bug Report here. You list ‘em - Matt squishes ‘em. Bonus points available! Please read the first sticky post for info!
94 discussions 535 comments Most recent: Store EMPTY not possible to download anything on a new iPad install by starkfvx February 11
Post Feature Requests here where they can be more easily found. Feature Requests posted elsewhere will be ignored. (Joke Sign) The more info you can provide, the better chance your feature request will have to one day become code. Please clearly state the problem or benefit, describe the feature you think will satisfy that need, and how it could be integrated into the User Interface. You will also need to be prepared to give oral arguments in front of a panel of judges. (Same Sign)
This is the section to discuss various aspects of NS2: ‘How To’ questions, Tips & Tricks, favorite Slate Kits, Ins & Outs of Obsidian, etc. Post that stuff here. To help keep the forum searchable, please post in the specific category for feature requests, bug reports and support questions.
If you can’t get something to work, post your questions here and we’ll get you sorted. Manual is linked at the top of this forum.
467 discussions 2.6K comments Most recent: AU Instruments on Mac dont show up by SlapHappy February 20