Cray23 - Rock it
Anybody care for some dnb?;)
Was fighting with mix for hours on this one ended up with two versions and in the end scrap them rebuilt bits and mix it again :DDD still this mix doesn’t sound as I wanted ;( but close and I just got new synth And really want to sample some stuff into nano so I’ll leave it like that;)
Crunchy and energetic!
this reminds me Apollo 44 - Lost in Space theme.. this one is more "in the face" and more "underground" (or how to properly define it) but somehow it reminded me that great track..
Anyway it's still original one, you're following same path of quality, groove and energy - another top notch tune, i'm proud to have you in this community

Cool track! Energetic for sure - Rock meets DnB. Personally I think it would have been cool to have more sections without guitars and take it down a little bit. Then I think the energy of the guitars would have popped out even more. Creating some more dynamics. But it works well the way it is now as well. Now it is more a kind of in-your-face feel leaving me exhausted with a smile on my face afterwards
@anickt yeah in this instance I did put Waveshaper on master with sine curve at 3 or 4 percent that is that crunchiness, I think I overusing that Waveshaper in ns2 but I love it
@dendy ohh I forgot about that tune, did love it when it was fresh and brought back some good memories;) thanks for reminder on that one. And thanks for kind words!
@fingertwister glad you like it, yeah I did have few versions done and some with altering synth/guitar stuff and after listening it for last few hours before I call it done I wasn’t sure what’s right or wrong anymore:DDD ultimately decided to go with this one.
and "Stop the rock", two best tunes they ever did.. Now, when i'm thinking about it, that kind of ovedrive rock organ melody like in STR track would be super cool i this your tune ! Just few rhytmic chords with "Formant Organ" Obsidian factory preset with a bit of ovedrive would be kick ass in that track !
@dendy stop the rock is huge;) absolutely great tune that was/is! just went to have a listen and yes it’s brilliant. Maybe if I’m going to ever remix/re do my tunes in future or if somebody would want to do remix or something then I could see those organs somewhat there:DDD as usual I’m already working on something new:D