Excellent! Really well done sir! Your vid shows just how easy it is to make beats in NS2. Seems like you were able to make this basic Trap beat pretty quickly too. That’s the sort of exposure NS2 could use more of so the word gets out.
@SlapHappy said:
Excellent! Really well done sir! Your vid shows just how easy it is to make beats in NS2. Seems like you were able to make this basic Trap beat pretty quickly too. That’s the sort of exposure NS2 could use more of so the word gets out.
Thanks y’all I love the support! I just uploaded another one here:
I hope to eventually get a better format for these videos when I can get the time. I definitely think NS2 is a powerhouse, especially with the right samples/sounds for the genre!
@iPadBeatMaking said:
I definitely think NS2 is a powerhouse, especially with the right samples/sounds for the genre!
Amen. I love that you show using Obsidian instead of Slate for tuned 808 bass and hats. I work the same way. I think for many folks this is counterintuitive (somewhat understandably considering other workflows in other beat machines). But all of that flexibility/power... and, for all practical purposes, all of those bonuses with no more (noticeable) strain on the CPU. Just takes seeing the app/instrument that way. Epic +1.
I hope to eventually get a better format for these videos when I can get the time.
I enjoyed the format of both videos so I'm definitely interested in what you mean by a "better format". Only thing I wanted to change getting rid of the super loud metronome once the basic beat is laid down. Obviously just personal preference but in case you (and/or your followers) don't know, since Mr. Blip is Mr. Blip, all you have to do is tap the little metronome icon in the bottom right of location/time area up top toggle it on/off.
Another nice vid! Clean, straightforward, and just the right length to he easy to watch.
The hard part is getting videos like that in front of people who have never seen NS2.... 🙁
You have a nice sounding voice. Do you rap over your beats? Soundcloud maybe?
Excellent! Really well done sir! Your vid shows just how easy it is to make beats in NS2. Seems like you were able to make this basic Trap beat pretty quickly too. That’s the sort of exposure NS2 could use more of so the word gets out.
Great work.
Thanks y’all I love the support! I just uploaded another one here:
I hope to eventually get a better format for these videos when I can get the time. I definitely think NS2 is a powerhouse, especially with the right samples/sounds for the genre!
Nicely done!
Thank u!
Amen. I love that you show using Obsidian instead of Slate for tuned 808 bass and hats. I work the same way. I think for many folks this is counterintuitive (somewhat understandably considering other workflows in other beat machines). But all of that flexibility/power... and, for all practical purposes, all of those bonuses with no more (noticeable) strain on the CPU. Just takes seeing the app/instrument that way. Epic +1.
I enjoyed the format of both videos so I'm definitely interested in what you mean by a "better format". Only thing I wanted to change getting rid of the super loud metronome once the basic beat is laid down.
Obviously just personal preference but in case you (and/or your followers) don't know, since Mr. Blip is Mr. Blip, all you have to do is tap the little metronome icon in the bottom right of location/time area up top toggle it on/off.
The red icon here:

Or just turn it down.
Great vids awesome work! Thanks!
Thanks so much for the support and feedback everyone! I really appreciate it!
And another one:

Sorry about the metronome volume, I'm gonna get it right going forward
Another nice vid! Clean, straightforward, and just the right length to he easy to watch.
The hard part is getting videos like that in front of people who have never seen NS2.... 🙁
You have a nice sounding voice. Do you rap over your beats? Soundcloud maybe?
Wow! Fantastic sound pack and very cool Vlogs on using it within NS2. Looking forward to future sound packs from you.