Am I right in saying that no one has found a bug yet?

.. aside from the inevitable teething issues with AU compatibility?



  • Only in my house.

  • It is phenomenally stable. Six hours and no crash. Certainly makes it nice for learning.

  • edited December 2018

    Ahoy! Could always blame the AU?

    I had it get stuck like this...

  • Everything I need is inside the app already, and it runs solid on my 2018 budget iPad. Maybe there might be snags with the AUs? I didn't bother, because what comes in the box is more than good enough. :smiley:

  • @jwmmakerofmusic said:
    Everything I need is inside the app already, and it runs solid on my 2018 budget iPad. Maybe there might be snags with the AUs? I didn't bother, because what comes in the box is more than good enough. :smiley:

    Nothing is ever good enough!

  • @Audiogus said:

    Nothing is ever good enough!

    Hey mate. :) Glad you made it over here. It's great to see one of the good guys come on over.

    Anyways, well, the IAPs do leave a little to be desired, but I'm crafting my "first impressions" thread that explains all, mostly positive.

  • AUs will definitely have snags, I can tell you that now. Tried to workaround as many problems as I could and worked hard to build in protection about crashy plugins loading again without explicit permission from the user but I knew I wouldn't get them all.

    But these will be ironed out over time, particularly if I can get the precise nature of the problem from you guys before taking it to the AU developer.

    How AUs choose to report their size and then how they adapt to it was a very common problem I came across. Because a lot of them lied or reported incorrect information about their supported sizes I had to blanket override them and just say: use this space. Most adapt OK, some don't. I don't have a clue why that plugin's chosen to interpret it in two different ways. My code just says, 'use this space please'.

  • @Blip Interactive said:
    AUs will definitely have snags, I can tell you that now. Tried to workaround as many problems as I could and worked hard to build in protection about crashy plugins loading again without explicit permission from the user but I knew I wouldn't get them all.

    But these will be ironed out over time, particularly if I can get the precise nature of the problem from you guys before taking it to the AU developer.

    How AUs choose to report their size and then how they adapt to it was a very common problem I came across. Because a lot of them lied or reported incorrect information about their supported sizes I had to blanket override them and just say: use this space. Most adapt OK, some don't. I don't have a clue why that plugin's chosen to interpret it in two different ways. My code just says, 'use this space please'.

    It is not a big deal and 9 times out of 10 it does pop to the right scale. The bug gauntlet was simply dropped, otherwise I would not have even thought to report it. ;)

    But anyway, amazing achievment on the app! Performance and stability were certainly nailed. Really looking forward to exploring and experimenting.

  • @jwmmakerofmusic said:

    Hey mate. :) Glad you made it over here. It's great to see one of the good guys come on over.

    Hey likewise! :)

    Anyways, well, the IAPs do leave a little to be desired, but I'm crafting my "first impressions" thread that explains all, mostly positive.

    Yah, the way I see it... if this is the maiden voyage... wow ok, lets see where this ship sails.

  • @Audiogus said:

    Hey likewise! :)

    Yah, the way I see it... if this is the maiden voyage... wow ok, lets see where this ship sails.

    Everywhere you dream of taking it.

  • @Blip Interactive said:

    How AUs choose to report their size and then how they adapt to it was a very common problem I came across. Because a lot of them lied or reported incorrect information about their supported sizes I had to blanket override them and just say: use this space. Most adapt OK, some don't. I don't have a clue why that plugin's chosen to interpret it in two different ways. My code just says, 'use this space please'.

    In my opinion, the best thing to do in this situation is just say 'use this space', but where the dimensions aren't surprising to any AU. AUM and Cubasis do this, on all iPad resolutions, and it works like a charm. It's precisely 1024x335 (after pixel ratio multiplication).

    NS2 does this for the AU instruments already. It should do the same with AU effects to avoid issues.

    Again, to be clear, I'm referring to the default initial view. Having a button to resize to full screen (a'la AUM, Cubasis, BM3 etc.) is fine, as long as that's not the default.

  • Not one crash to background in a whole days use - never had this before with this type of app from launch. Many of these ‘DAW’ apps still crash to background at least once in a day session, some many times!

    Well done. All the problems I’ve had (only one so far!) has been AU related!

  • No crashes from me and I was on it for 6 hours last night.

  • I've found this, but not entirely sure it's a bug, just unexpected behaviour since no other DAW does it:

    Of course, there's the issue of scaling AUfx (only effects, instruments scale beautifully), discussed here:

  • edited December 2018

    no need to link here things which aren't bugs but feature requests, or discuss them here in case they have own separate threads..

    please keep this thread clean and disuss there really just bugs and crashes

    thank you !

  • Sometimes it's difficult to exactly define what a bug is :) Unexpected (or especially unintended) behaviour can be considered a bug in software development.

  • I had an instance where audio has crashed out and after reloading, some of the External synths have gone back to default patch, even though the project has been saved with them in.

  • I think this is a bug: pitch automation not working for Slate:

    This is orthogonal to actually wanting to automate pitch for single pads, which doesn't seem possible regardless of whether or not this bug was fixed.

  • It’s a very solid app. Congrat’s for that (and thank you!)

    But I do have a minor bug. In the mixer panel, when I load up more than a screen’s worth of instruments and try to scroll to the right hand side I frequently get stuck in a juddering weirdness that doesn’t scroll properly. Tends to get worse the more I try, usually fixed by switching to track view and back.

    Latest iOS, iPad mini 4.

  • @TheMediocritist said:
    I frequently get stuck in a juddering weirdness that doesn’t scroll properly. Tends to get worse the more I try, usually fixed by switching to track view and back.

    Could you get a screen recording of it?

  • @Stiksi said:

    Could you get a screen recording of it?

    Good idea! 22-03-44.MP4?dl=0

    I haven’t tried my iPad Pro to see whether it does the same. Might be particular to the Mini.

  • Thanks, that does look odd!

  • I've also found that when scrolling the mixer, it's a little too easy to change levels accidentally. And it can get a little 'sticky'. I'm on an iPad 10.5.

  • Also Zeeon synth AU doesn't seem to play nicely with the preset selector. I'm only able to change presets from the AU itself. Sorry, I know that's probably not a bug specific to NS2.

  • edited December 2018


    Thanks for the vid, very helpful - this is definitely a new one on me but I'm sure we can get to the bottom of it. I'll collect a bit more data if possible:

    • Have you noticed any pattern behind it, eg. do you have a particular project which always does it or is it more general than that?
    • What's the chance of his happening? 1 in 100, 1 in 10, or more often than that?
    • Are you also playing via an external MIDI controller when this happens?

    If you've got a project which reliably reproduces this I'll be interested in getting my hands on it - I want to get those naughty gremlins flushed out as number 1 priority before adding anything new!

  • edited December 2018

    @acedout said:
    Also Zeeon synth AU doesn't seem to play nicely with the preset selector. I'm only able to change presets from the AU itself. Sorry, I know that's probably not a bug specific to NS2.

    yeah you need contact zeeon dev.. many AUs are wrongly implemented and doesn't report list of patches to host :(

  • Okay - this one has to be user error but... I can't get NS2 to recognise the sustain pedal on any of my keyboards. It does recognise it when I use the learn function on the midi controller map page (comes up as CC 64 as usual) - but doesn't seem to work as a sustain pedal on any internal or external instrument...what am I doing wrong??? :/ Other than that - looking splendid!

  • @Stiksi said:
    Thanks, that does look odd!

    Ah! I see you've found the 'drill and bass' feature! ;-)

  • Not really a bug, actually I’m not sure why I am posting it, for the perfectionist maybe, or to get a price slice on the pack?...

    It seems that in the free pack the “INDEMO2” kit has not mapped the “INV2KK01-4” sample. The sample is there and you can fix it (map it) yourself though.
    Do I win anything?

  • @Zupi said:
    Not really a bug, actually I’m not sure why I am posting it, for the perfectionist maybe, or to get a price slice on the pack?...

    It seems that in the free pack the “INDEMO2” kit has not mapped the “INV2KK01-4” sample. The sample is there and you can fix it (map it) yourself though.
    Do I win anything?

    Same here

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