MIDI FX don't really seem to work
What's up with the MIDI FX in Nanostudio 2? They don't seem to work unless they are a sequencer.
QuantiChord doesn't work. StepPolyArp Unit doesn't work as an arp, only a sequencer, and Fugue Machine works.
Then, if it does work, it doesn't record the notes in a pattern.
Manual says MIDI FX are supposed to effect the notes in a pattern (If I recall right). In other word the chain goes: Notes in pattern > MIDI FX > Audio Out.
Like I say though, it only seems to work if the AU is a sequencer.
Ideally the output of the MIDI FX would be recorded as a pattern, with the chain being: Note input (optional, for arps, etc.) > MIDI FX > Recorded to pattern (if record is on) > Audio Out.
all MIDIfx bugs will be fixed in upcoming update.. things like SPA or MIDI Tools pack will work after this update, soon
Will it record the MIDI FX output? Or just effect the notes in a pattern? I much prefer the former, because you’re then given a full MIDI pattern to work with. Logic Pro does the latter, and it’s weak because you can’t do all that much with it.
Now, latest update is answer
You cannot record it directly, but there is relative skmple way.
create new track, switch to this track and hit play/record
all notes generated by plugin on first track will be recorded to this second track
@dendy Is MIDI Tools Route an NS2 plug-in?
this: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/midi-tools/id1446209019?mt=8
it's package of various plugins, "Route" basically sends midi to selected virtual midi port.. because in this update NS added own "Nanostudio 2" virtual midi port, it is easy now - route simoly sends audio to NS MIDI inout, and from this inout you can record it on other track
Works for me! Thanks - now I have to find some time...
So the update fixed the midi aus. Still would like to be able to record though, and it’s weird because in the mixer you can send midi to parent track, no set up will record though.
Ideal chain is still: keyboard (internal or external) > midi fx > track > synth > audio out
That way it’s all on one track, and you get a proper midi pattern. Cubasis does this right.
yeah, direct midi recording is on todo list, but beliece me - workaround with MIDI Tools Route plugin is more easy than it sounds...
Here check this video example :

Great video my friend! Short and straight to the point! Thanks!
you're welcome
i got me scalebud, kb-1, xequence 2 and i can’t record what im playing even though i play the instrument in the channel, thats the biggest problem im having with nanostudio 2, which for that reason i bought cubasis 3 but i still want to be using nanostudio2 but playing chords on the iphone without scalebud, chordbud, kb 1, xequence its a struggle and time consuming, and that is taking me always from working in nano and the motivation to get to now nanostudio2 completely, even though i like nanostudio2 work flow more the what i like cubasis 3, but not being able to used my chords apps takes me away from nano.... please fix that problem, because even though on the video on top is showing some type of solution, its still doesn’t fix the problem
It appears this is still a thing? You can’t record midi data from AUV3 plugins, only the built in keyboard? The midi route workaround would be tolerable if it wasn’t iPad only. It seems crazy that this app has such a great workflow and UI but lacks this kind of basic functionality. Am I missing something?
@Quickpull - yes, it’s still a thing.
Here’s one workaround that will work for iPhone if you have AUM:
NS accepts external midi input so playing in chords is simple: just use the chord app in standalone mode and send the midi to NS, record it to a track. I use SoundPrism all the time.