yeah that retriggered part was first thing i made ... i liked it soo much that i decided build whole track around it - it was initialy just experiment, i resampled whole melody (layer of 3 obsidians) then loaded it back into obsidian sampler and used sample start automation trick ...
but it all ended really bad. really no happy ending for this tune ..
after i did final mixdown of track, i noticed that i have some old mess in "mixdowns" folder... so i deleted it all... many old files, lot of old crap...
just small problem - also that resampled main melody was there no way back, will never reproduce it again..
Easy to get enthusiastic (or nostalgic) in here, congratulations
Dendy: celebrations!
I agree, it's kind of restoring a personal element to your music.
@kleptolia Rock on man, heavy duty beats! @Stiksi definitely feel the NS1 vibes, great sounds, love the swing of the beat! @richardyot so many interesting textures, nice flow to the track, dig the mix! @dendy that track would be perfect for a closing montage in a Danny Boyle movie!
Today I released a short album on all major streaming platforms. It consists of 11 tracks produced and mixed in Nanostudio 2 and mastered in Hokusai over the course of 40 days and nights (between work and family life). All graphics were edited in Affinity Photo and Designer. It’s my first official release (with ISRC numbers, registered with ASCAP, all rights reserved) only twenty years after my first unofficial release (CDs burned on my pc, tapes dubbed on a home stereo).
@3sleeves said:
Today I released a short album on all major streaming platforms. It consists of 11 tracks produced and mixed in Nanostudio 2 and mastered in Hokusai over the course of 40 days and nights (between work and family life). All graphics were edited in Affinity Photo and Designer. It’s my first official release (with ISRC numbers, registered with ASCAP, all rights reserved) only twenty years after my first unofficial release (CDs burned on my pc, tapes dubbed on a home stereo).
@3sleeves said:
Today I released a short album on all major streaming platforms. It consists of 11 tracks produced and mixed in Nanostudio 2 and mastered in Hokusai over the course of 40 days and nights (between work and family life). All graphics were edited in Affinity Photo and Designer. It’s my first official release (with ISRC numbers, registered with ASCAP, all rights reserved) only twenty years after my first unofficial release (CDs burned on my pc, tapes dubbed on a home stereo).
@3sleeves ha, i was expecting you’re working on something when you stopped posting new tracks at your obvious rate looking forward to hear your album !
@pbelgium very interesting music ! Curious what is source of those guitars ? Your own recordings ? How you used them in project, as sample loops on Slate pads ?
@3sleeves Congratulations!!!! That is quite an accomplishment and I look forward to listening.
Seems that NS2 is the DAW you were waiting for. Now we know that it is possible for two things to happen in this world in the span of 40 days.
Thanks for the support guys! @SlapHappy I was compelled to get it done come hell or high water, forecast is calling for both anyway😉 @dendy I was standing on the cables by accident, lifted my foot and all these songs came out at once😆🌊🎶 @richardyot Thanks, glad you dig it! It was really motivated by this Jamuary challenge, figured it was a good time to try self publishing. @Stiksi I appreciate you listening!
I’m planning on making this a regular thing, at least one release every other month if not more. If you like my music I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I do.
Thanks @Blip Interactive for Nanostudio 2, this album wouldn’t be the same without it😉
Thanks for the kind comments - there's a lot of cool music on this thread and I was hesitant about joining in.
@dendy said:
Curious what is source of those guitars ? Your own recordings ? How you used them in project, as sample loops on Slate pads ?
Guitar was recorded in Amplitube - the Fender 2 collection amps sound & play great! Exported to ReSlice for some ... slicing. Imported to NS2 Slate pads (as rightly suggested). The rest of the track is NS2 except several instances of Virtual Room AU to create depth, and DDMF 6144/FAC Maxima on the final master. Also, check out the MegaReaper Kit (and other Slate kits) posted by @richardyot.
This one is in an indie rock/shoegaze track, mostly done in NS2. I guess there might not be many people making this kind of music with NS2 but actually it's surprisingly well suited to it, obviously audio tracks will make it even better. The main reason that NS2 works so well for this genre IMO is the drum sequencing is so good, the combination of Slate and the linear sequencer are just perfect for creating interesting and organic drums, definitely the best on iOS IMO. Also experimenting with arrangements and song structure is really good in NS2 because it's so easy to move things around in the sequencer.
The guitars were done in several ways: the riff was recorded in AUM (using Link to sync with NS2) and then imported to Slate for triggering. The rhythm guitar was recorded the same way, and then two-bar loops were sequenced in Slate with the 4Pockets Shredder plugin to create the gated tremolo effect. The guitar solo was all done in Nanostudio, using the Roli Noise app (the Stadium Rock pack has some great lead guitars), I just played the solo on the on-screen keyboard and then drew some automation into the pitch lane to create some pretty convincing guitar-like phrasing. This was a lot easier than trying to actually record a guitar solo with timing that tight.
The bass and synths were mostly Obsidian, with some additional AUs (Syntronik and PPG Phonem)
Vocals were tracked in Auria, and final mixing was done there too.
@richardyot very interesting song... i like it's flow and also like vocal .. some pretty good atmosphere is there ...
But - are you sure with how drums are mixed ? Because they are very good in terms of samples and composition - but they are ofter "lost in mix" - too quiet .. listening on HD 650 headphones and Presonus Eris E8 .. if i would mix this track, i would put drums significantly louder and probably i would use some very subtle snare+kick -> rest tracks sidechain compression ... not really breathing, just very very subtle to make kick and snare better "readable" in context of mix ..
i don't have auria but if you want, you can send me NS2 project and i will edit basic mix to show you what i mean ..
Of course if you're satisfied with mix, and it sounds exactly like you wanted, then completely ignore my totally subjective point of view above ;-)
@dendy said: @richardyot very interesting song... i like it's flow and also like vocal .. some pretty good atmosphere is there ...
But - are you sure with how drums are mixed ? Because they are very good in terms of samples and composition - but they are ofter "lost in mix" - too quiet .. listening on HD 650 headphones and Presonus Eris E8 .. if i would mix this track, i would put drums significantly louder and probably i would use some very subtle snare+kick -> rest tracks sidechain compression ... not really breathing, just very very subtle to make kick and snare better "readable" in context of mix ..
i don't have auria but if you want, you can send me NS2 project and i will edit basic mix to show you what i mean ..
Of course if you're satisfied with mix, and it sounds exactly like you wanted, then completely ignore my totally subjective point of view above ;-)
Hey thanks for the listen and the feedback! You're probably right, I'll take a look at the drum levels again, and maybe even look at automating the drum bus. It's always hard with vocals to get the right balance between vocals/instruments/bass/music.
yeah.. good mix is art :-) usually at least 1/3 of time which i spend with track is just mixing .. boring part, not creative, but extremely important ..
Oops 😬
Great tracks guys! I’m impressed with the uniquely different ‘sound’ that people are achieving using the same DAW.
Easy to get enthusiastic (or nostalgic) in here, congratulations
Dendy: celebrations!
I agree, it's kind of restoring a personal element to your music.
Some great funk coming out of this mean machine. Keep up the good work!
@dendy those chords. That bass! The modulated panning on that riser synth! THE MIX!
Holy monkey. That might be the best thing I’ve heard here. And I’m including the tracks from @drez and @LeeB in my assessment.
My fingers are thumbs and they are pointed toward the sky!
lot of great stuff in this thread (including yoour stuff !!), just trying do my best to match quality standard here :-)
I recently had some time to listen to a bunch of the music on this thread. You guys are awesome as is NS2!
So much goodness in this thread, love it all!!!
@kleptolia Rock on man, heavy duty beats!
@Stiksi definitely feel the NS1 vibes, great sounds, love the swing of the beat!
@richardyot so many interesting textures, nice flow to the track, dig the mix!
@dendy that track would be perfect for a closing montage in a Danny Boyle movie!
Today I released a short album on all major streaming platforms. It consists of 11 tracks produced and mixed in Nanostudio 2 and mastered in Hokusai over the course of 40 days and nights (between work and family life). All graphics were edited in Affinity Photo and Designer. It’s my first official release (with ISRC numbers, registered with ASCAP, all rights reserved) only twenty years after my first unofficial release (CDs burned on my pc, tapes dubbed on a home stereo).
If you use one of these streaming services here’s a link:
I hope you guys enjoy the vibes! ✌🤘🖖👨🚀
Any proceeds this might generate will be spent to support musical projects and fellow musicians.
Congrats on the release
A whole album in 40 days is pretty impressive.
Listening now, it's very chill. Good job.
Wow that is huge, will definitely check this out!
Couldn't wait any longer for the iPhone version - had to liberate an iPad from my wife to try NanoStudio2 - and it's awesome!
@3sleeves ha, i was expecting you’re working on something when you stopped posting new tracks at your obvious rate
looking forward to hear your album !
@pbelgium very interesting music ! Curious what is source of those guitars ? Your own recordings ? How you used them in project, as sample loops on Slate pads ?
Brilliant track mate 👍🏼
It’s got that Zero 7/St.Germain vibe to it that I love!
@3sleeves Congratulations!!!! That is quite an accomplishment and I look forward to listening.
Seems that NS2 is the DAW you were waiting for. Now we know that it is possible for two things to happen in this world in the span of 40 days.
@pbelgium Wow that's awesome. Like Jimi Hendrix on NS2! (Sort of!)
Thanks for the support guys!
@SlapHappy I was compelled to get it done come hell or high water, forecast is calling for both anyway😉
@dendy I was standing on the cables by accident, lifted my foot and all these songs came out at once😆🌊🎶
@richardyot Thanks, glad you dig it! It was really motivated by this Jamuary challenge, figured it was a good time to try self publishing.
@Stiksi I appreciate you listening!
I’m planning on making this a regular thing, at least one release every other month if not more. If you like my music I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I do.
Thanks @Blip Interactive for Nanostudio 2, this album wouldn’t be the same without it😉
@pbelgium That was totally awesome! Really dig the live elements, super funky jam!
@pbelgium that’s cool! Awesome to hear live recorded guitar in NS2. And the synths sound like something I would use!
Nice playing, too!
I gave it a listen - Super smooth album! Must feel satisfying to take the extra steps and get the album released.
Thanks for the kind comments - there's a lot of cool music on this thread and I was hesitant about joining in.
Guitar was recorded in Amplitube - the Fender 2 collection amps sound & play great! Exported to ReSlice for some ... slicing. Imported to NS2 Slate pads (as rightly suggested). The rest of the track is NS2 except several instances of Virtual Room AU to create depth, and DDMF 6144/FAC Maxima on the final master. Also, check out the MegaReaper Kit (and other Slate kits) posted by @richardyot.
@pbelgium thanks for track creating analyse :-) it's always interesting to know people's workflows...
@3sleeves bought your album on iTunes, really smooth music, like it a lot !
@SlapHappy definitely feels good to wrap a project up like that.
@dendy I appreciate the purchase!
Thanks again for all the support and positive feedback, it’s always great to know my music is being enjoyed by people other than me! 🖖🖖🖖😄
It certainly brought a smile to my face - I was thinking Mogwai
Thanks @pbelgium !
@dendy - It really is sweet, and I'd happily have this on high rotate to brighten up my day!
ooh thanks
If even single one person is touched by my music, then it makes sense what i'm doing 
This one is in an indie rock/shoegaze track, mostly done in NS2. I guess there might not be many people making this kind of music with NS2 but actually it's surprisingly well suited to it, obviously audio tracks will make it even better. The main reason that NS2 works so well for this genre IMO is the drum sequencing is so good, the combination of Slate and the linear sequencer are just perfect for creating interesting and organic drums, definitely the best on iOS IMO. Also experimenting with arrangements and song structure is really good in NS2 because it's so easy to move things around in the sequencer.
The guitars were done in several ways: the riff was recorded in AUM (using Link to sync with NS2) and then imported to Slate for triggering. The rhythm guitar was recorded the same way, and then two-bar loops were sequenced in Slate with the 4Pockets Shredder plugin to create the gated tremolo effect. The guitar solo was all done in Nanostudio, using the Roli Noise app (the Stadium Rock pack has some great lead guitars), I just played the solo on the on-screen keyboard and then drew some automation into the pitch lane to create some pretty convincing guitar-like phrasing. This was a lot easier than trying to actually record a guitar solo with timing that tight.
The bass and synths were mostly Obsidian, with some additional AUs (Syntronik and PPG Phonem)
Vocals were tracked in Auria, and final mixing was done there too.
@richardyot very interesting song... i like it's flow and also like vocal .. some pretty good atmosphere is there ...
But - are you sure with how drums are mixed ? Because they are very good in terms of samples and composition - but they are ofter "lost in mix" - too quiet .. listening on HD 650 headphones and Presonus Eris E8 .. if i would mix this track, i would put drums significantly louder and probably i would use some very subtle snare+kick -> rest tracks sidechain compression ... not really breathing, just very very subtle to make kick and snare better "readable" in context of mix ..
i don't have auria but if you want, you can send me NS2 project and i will edit basic mix to show you what i mean ..
Of course if you're satisfied with mix, and it sounds exactly like you wanted, then completely ignore my totally subjective point of view above ;-)
Hey thanks for the listen and the feedback! You're probably right, I'll take a look at the drum levels again, and maybe even look at automating the drum bus. It's always hard with vocals to get the right balance between vocals/instruments/bass/music.
yeah.. good mix is art :-) usually at least 1/3 of time which i spend with track is just mixing .. boring part, not creative, but extremely important ..