Piano Roll Sounds

Hi all, just wondering if there is an option for the piano keys on the side in the piano roll to make a sound when touched. I play out a lot of my melodies by touching the piano roll keys going down the side of the screen.

Also is there a way for the piano roll to remember the size of my last note played. For example if I am building a chord that is four beats long, do I always have to measure out each note or is there a way I can measure out the root note and then touch where I want the other notes in the chord to start and have them load in as the same size as the root?

Thank you



  • edited January 2019

    just wondering if there is an option for the piano keys on the side in the piano roll to make a sound when touched.

    No at the monent, but definitely on todo list, because it was already requested by more users ;)

    Regarding second question, i'm not sure that i understand :-)

  • @dendy said:

    No at the monent, but definitely on todo list, because it was already requested by more users ;)

    Regarding second question, i'm not sure that i understand :-)

    Thanks for the fast reply. Awesome that’s good to hear. Not a huge deal, but I just find it really helpful.

    With my second question, I’ll try explain better. I’ve come from fl studio. It’s a feature that they have with their piano roll. If you drew a note and made it say 4 beats long, the next time you clicked in the piano roll the new note would appear the same as the pervious note you just drew. So it would automatically be 4 beats long instead of clicking, holding and dragging it out to four beats again. Hope that makes a bit more sense lol thanks again for responding.

  • edited January 2019

    Ah understand now .. sounds like handy feature.. not such possibility in nanostudio at the moment ..

    best workaround is to draw your notes just short .. then select all notes you want to set to some fixed length (if you switch selection mode to "toggle" you can quickly select just notes you want by tapping on them, or if you want resize ALL notes in piano roll, fastest way to select all of them is just double tap anywhere on empty place in piano roll)

    Then go to "actions > quantize" .. change quantisation type to "length" instead of default "start", choose length you want to have from list of available quantisation sizes and tam "Quantize" - it will change selected notes lengths to your selected size.

  • edited January 2019

    @newMania said:

    Thanks for the fast reply. Awesome that’s good to hear. Not a huge deal, but I just find it really helpful.

    With my second question, I’ll try explain better. I’ve come from fl studio. It’s a feature that they have with their piano roll. If you drew a note and made it say 4 beats long, the next time you clicked in the piano roll the new note would appear the same as the pervious note you just drew. So it would automatically be 4 beats long instead of clicking, holding and dragging it out to four beats again. Hope that makes a bit more sense lol thanks again for responding.

    Not quite the same, but If you’re in the note editor, you can tap on the Grid icon at the bottom and set it to different values. So if for instance you want to draw all your notes at 4 beats, then you would select 1 bar, assuming you’re using a 4/4 time signature.


  • @dendy said:
    Ah understand now .. sounds like handy feature.. not such possibility in nanostudio at the moment ..

    best workaround is to draw your notes just short .. then select all notes you want to set to some fixed length (if you switch selection mode to "toggle" you can quickly select just notes you want by tapping on them, or if you want resize ALL notes in piano roll, fastest way to select all of them is just double tap anywhere on empty place in piano roll)

    Then go to "actions > quantize" .. change quantisation type to "length" instead of default "start", choose length you want to have from list of available quantisation sizes and tam "Quantize" - it will change selected notes lengths to your selected size.

    Fair enough. Didn't think there weighs be an option but thought I'd ask either way. I'll give you're work around a go. Thanks for your help.

  • I just hit duplicate on the note and then transpose it to the correct pitch.

  • @Stiksi said:
    I just hit duplicate on the note and then transpose it to the correct pitch.

    Me too.

  • I wish I could select some notes, then while holding down then duplicate button, I could use the arrows and as soon as pressed the first arrow, it would duplicate all the notes and move them as that same selected group. Then You take your finger off the duplicate button and work as normal with the selected notes. This is in addition to the current tap the duplicate button and it goes to the end.

  • @drez not sure if there are plans for optimalising NS for people with 3 hands :lol:

  • edited January 2019

    @dendy said:
    @drez not sure if there are plans for optimalising NS for people with 3 hands :lol:

    Haha, it’s just two fingers. One to hold the duplicate button down, the other to tap the arrow. Once you do that, you just use the arrows as normal with the already selected notes. You don’t have to hold duplicate anymore.

  • @drez said:
    I wish I could select some notes, then while holding down then duplicate button, I could use the arrows and as soon as pressed the first arrow, it would duplicate all the notes and move them as that same selected group. Then You take your finger off the duplicate button and work as normal with the selected notes. This is in addition to the current tap the duplicate button and it goes to the end.

    I like this idea a lot but it sorta breaks existing NS UI conventions. I don't think there's any other spot where 'hold this and then do this other thing' is implemented. Still, I'm all for introducing it!

  • edited January 2019

    I like it, it’s something that’s used a lot with Launchpads and Ableton push, you hold down a button to change mode, do quick adjustments and let go of the button to resume the mode you were in before. Very quick, very efficient.

    @Will said:
    I like this idea a lot but it sorta breaks existing NS UI conventions. I don't think there's any other spot where 'hold this and then do this other thing' is implemented. Still, I'm all for introducing it!

    I think it’s very much in the NS ethos, if not logos… yet.

  • edited January 2019

    I agree tap'n'hold one control and do some special action with other control is whole new universe waiting to be explored even for people with just ordinary two hands. Even with some fingers missing :trollface: !!!
    Lot potential here for adding some cool stuff .. i strongly like " tap'n/hold with one finger and navigate with other finger" functionality in Apple Files app for moving files and folders between apps ..

    @Stiksi said:
    I like it, it’s something that’s used a lot with Launchpads and Ableton push,you hold down a button to change mode, do quick adjustments and let go of the button to resume the mode you were in before.

    Also Novation Circuit uses this a lot.

  • @Stiksi said:
    I like it, it’s something that’s used a lot with Launchpads and Ableton push, you hold down a button to change mode, do quick adjustments and let go of the button to resume the mode you were in before. Very quick, very efficient.

    I think it’s very much in the NS ethos, if not logos… yet.

    Yeah I didn’t realize how much I do this on push until you mentioned it. It’s second nature now.

  • Yep. Very common on Elektron boxes as well. Maybe exceedingly so. :)

    @dendy said:
    I agree tap'n'hold one control and do some special action with other control is whole new universe waiting to be explored even for people with just ordinary two hands. Even with some fingers missing :trollface: !!!

    Yes and yes and yes. Two finger salute.

    Will have fun considering the possibilities. As ever with stuff like this, the main problem is discoverability. Without some extra (potentially cramped/noisy) label, how would an untrained user know that X or Y was even possible?

  • @Will said:
    Yep. Very common on Elektron boxes as well. Maybe exceedingly so. :)

    Yes and yes and yes. Two finger salute.

    Will have fun considering the possibilities. As ever with stuff like this, the main problem is discoverability. Without some extra (potentially cramped/noisy) label, how would an untrained user know that X or Y was even possible?


  • With regard to the initial question... First, I get it and I would absolutely use this. I wonder though, if there was an "always available" keyboard you could pull up anywhere (überkeyboard?), including in the MIDI Editor, would that be more useful and negate the need for triggering the notes on the left keyboard?

    I'm thinking something like:

    In DRAW mode, touch anywhere on the grid and keep your finger held. Then, hit notes on the überkeyboard. As you hit notes on the keyboard, the note under your finger changes in real time. When you find the one you want, let go of the grid.

    If DRAW mode isn't on, the überkeyboard triggers notes in the target instrument and visually highlights the row (or the left keyboard) for the note you've played.

    Seems to me that this, along with the existing ability to hear notes by tapping them via the speaker icon button, could be the most useful long-term.

    Could eventually be extended in various ways.

    • Scale based keyboard like Obsidian
    • Some sort of "Auto-advance" mode for doing traditional synth nerd step entry
    • Keys could be replaced with Slate pad names when on a slate track
    • Keys could be replaced with Macro knobs for recording automation
    • ....

    Of course, as ever, it'd be a trade off. Fair to assume that Matt could implement the left side piano trigger notes an order of magnitude faster than implementing a globally available keyboard (not to mention the other potential enhancements).

    Would be interested to hear what people think with regard to possibilities/value/trade offs/etc.

  • @anickt said:

    Woudn't that be a glorious world? If everyone read the manuals, we'd probably already have flying cars because developers and engineers would have so much extra time! Alas, people don't and, obviously, keeping things as 'intuitive as possible' is high on Matt's priority list. Even as the kind of nerd who avidly reads manuals, I appreciate the shit out of this. :)

    Think the trick would be to keep the 'invisible until your know it' interactions in the realm of 'extra' or 'power user' features, or shortcuts to existing features—not the single path to core features. Much like the double taps work now. Those double taps are like MAGIC BUTTER to me but they all represent shortcuts to features that are otherwise visually available via menus or whatever.

  • @Will said:

    Woudn't that be a glorious world? If everyone read the manuals, we'd probably already have flying cars because developers and engineers would have so much extra time! Alas, people don't and, obviously, keeping things as 'intuitive as possible' is high on Matt's priority list. Even as the kind of nerd who avidly reads manuals, I appreciate the shit out of this. :)

    Think the trick would be to keep the 'invisible until your know it' interactions in the realm of 'extra' or 'power user' features, or shortcuts to existing features—not the single path to core features. Much like the double taps work now. Those double taps are like MAGIC BUTTER to me but they all represent shortcuts to features that are otherwise visually available via menus or whatever.

    Yeah, I know... :3

  • @Will said:
    With regard to the initial question... First, I get it and I would absolutely use this. I wonder though, if there was an "always available" keyboard you could pull up anywhere (überkeyboard?), including in the MIDI Editor, would that be more useful and negate the need for triggering the notes on the left keyboard?

    I'm thinking something like:

    In DRAW mode, touch anywhere on the grid and keep your finger held. Then, hit notes on the überkeyboard. As you hit notes on the keyboard, the note under your finger changes in real time. When you find the one you want, let go of the grid.

    If DRAW mode isn't on, the überkeyboard triggers notes in the target instrument and visually highlights the row (or the left keyboard) for the note you've played.

    Seems to me that this, along with the existing ability to hear notes by tapping them via the speaker icon button, could be the most useful long-term.

    Could eventually be extended in various ways.

    • Scale based keyboard like Obsidian
    • Some sort of "Auto-advance" mode for doing traditional synth nerd step entry
    • Keys could be replaced with Slate pad names when on a slate track
    • Keys could be replaced with Macro knobs for recording automation
    • ....

    Of course, as ever, it'd be a trade off. Fair to assume that Matt could implement the left side piano trigger notes an order of magnitude faster than implementing a globally available keyboard (not to mention the other potential enhancements).

    Would be interested to hear what people think with regard to possibilities/value/trade offs/etc.

    I think this is a deeply sensible and intelligent variation/solution, BUT I am fairly confident that the majority of the everyday class would like the notes on the side like what they are elsewhere and that we're used to and we like and we may not know art but we know what we like after all :) /caulfield

    It's (for me at least) a melody matter or a melody writing/sussing/fiddling about thing. And I can't say for certain if it's just a super quick and intuitive way of doing it OR whether we've just gotten used to it, but for such a small thing, it seems/feels like a major omission.

  • edited January 2019

    One more just found out detail, double-tapping on the piano roll and the movable sidebar (on the sides) for resizing, nice ;)

    Floating virtual, scalable, note-repeating, (midi-effecting?) etc. keyboard/slate foils next to the note-grid ...

    Good metaphor about denoising the interaction and providing a meditative mood.

  • edited January 2019

    @Will said:

    Woudn't that be a glorious world? If everyone read the manuals, we'd probably already have flying cars because developers and engineers would have so much extra time! Alas, people don't and, obviously, keeping things as 'intuitive as possible' is high on Matt's priority list. Even as the kind of nerd who avidly reads manuals, I appreciate the shit out of this. :)

    Think the trick would be to keep the 'invisible until your know it' interactions in the realm of 'extra' or 'power user' features, or shortcuts to existing features—not the single path to core features. Much like the double taps work now. Those double taps are like MAGIC BUTTER to me but they all represent shortcuts to features that are otherwise visually available via menus or whatever.

    Maybe if you tap the duplicate once, it brings up the menu with one of the options that says “Hold Duplicate Button to Copy in Place” with some sort of graphical emphasis on the word hold that is consistent through the GUI for similar hold functions.


  • Common .. isn't that great if you after a some time of using app discover such hidden gem ? I think it should be not obvious BY PURPOSE :-) I really like discovering "eastern eggs" features :))

  • @dendy: Easter Eggs are used in egg hunts, where kids go find eggs that the Easter Bunny (ie parent) has left hidden somewhere. When you write ‘eastern eggs’ I get the visual of Soviet land mines that remain hidden to this day except when a hapless child stumbles across it. I hope things really aren’t that delporable in the Eastern European countries.... 😟
    By analogy Easter Eggs are also extra scenes hidden behind the credits on Marvel films, or secret things found in video games, or possibly NS2 features.
    Just trying to help my friend. And I really hope I am wrong about the land mines....

    @Will said:
    Yep. Very common on Elektron boxes as well. Maybe exceedingly so. :)

    Yes and yes and yes. Two finger salute.

    Will have fun considering the possibilities. As ever with stuff like this, the main problem is discoverability. Without some extra (potentially cramped/noisy) label, how would an untrained user know that X or Y was even possible?

    I imagine something similar to how many apps handle the ‘?’ Help button. Press and a bunch of labels or explanatory text pops up but goes away as soon as you let go of the button. One would need a new Uber button to call up the hidden features. Not sure where that could go, some pages are pretty full. Maybe a swipe from the right side brings up a mini panel of buttons...?

  • edited January 2019

    When you write ‘eastern eggs’ I get the visual of Soviet land mines that remain hidden to this day except when a hapless child stumbles across it.
    And I really hope I am wrong about the land mines....


    I have NO idea why i always add "n" at end of that word.. i have some brain damage probably.. i know it is Easter but i STILL add there n ..

  • edited January 2019

    @dendy said:


    I have NO idea why i always add "n" at end of that word.. i have some brain damage probably.. i know it is Easter but i STILL add there n ..

    That’s not an Eastern egg. This is an Eastern egg! 🐻

  • @dendy said:


    I have NO idea why i always add "n" at end of that word.. i have some brain damage probably.. i know it is Easter but i STILL add there n ..

    That’s hilarious!! 😁😁

  • edited January 2019

    @Stiksi said:

    That’s not an Eastern egg. This is an Eastern egg! 🐻

    I know! That’s what I meant. Those are Soviet land mines painted to look like decorated eggs. “Eastern Eggs.” Don’t touch it! 🥚💣

  • Am I the only one who thinks the fella in the egg kinda looks like @Stiksi?

  • Hmmm.... Well....
    I doubt many Finns like to be compared to Russians. Probably like calling a Southerner a Yankee. 😳

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