Clone or copy track

Can you clone or copy a track with its instrument and any AU settings?



  • No but I've been eyeing it up as a possible enhancement. Ideally I'd like to get it so you can copy, paste, duplicate, save and load entire groups.

  • @Blip Interactive said:
    No but I've been eyeing it up as a possible enhancement. Ideally I'd like to get it so you can copy, paste, duplicate, save and load entire groups.

    Ohhh, yes please!!!

  • Or at least save mixer Fx chains. 😀

  • +1 Please add this!

  • Or at least save mixer Fx chains

    What, like this:

    ... check out the hamburger button for a tasty treat.

  • Hamburgers ARE tasty treats!!

  • edited December 2018

    Plus one for duplicate track. With options for which elements are duplicated. ‘Track instrument and settings(routing, sends etc)’ vs ‘all (+ midi data/audio)’.

  • @Blip Interactive said:

    What, like this:

    ... check out the hamburger button for a tasty treat.

    Sorry Matt..... should scour the whole manual before I post.

  • Def. add me on for track duplicate. I use this so often. Not hard to fiddle about etc and make one up, but it would be a major convenience to press one button etc.

  • Yeah I would use track duplicate often when I get to the stage where I split my initial drum track up to give many of the drum sounds their own track.

  • +1 Use it all the time for duplicating a drum part etc to layer with another sound.

  • @Blip Interactive said:
    No but I've been eyeing it up as a possible enhancement. Ideally I'd like to get it so you can copy, paste, duplicate, save and load entire groups.

    I'd use track duplicate a lot but I'd rather do without so that you can focus on doing all the above in one go. Load and saving of groups would be epic.

  • For now... here's how I do it. Might read a little long but it's actually quite fast once you get used to where to look.

    1. Create a new instrument track of the same type
    2. Duplicate the song clips and drag them down to the new track
    3. On the source instrument, go to the hamburger menu and hit 'Copy'. You can copy an entire Obsidian patch or Slate kit this way. No need to save/export/whatever.
    4. Go to the new instrument and paste it.
    5. If the track has effects or sends that need duplicating, same deal: copy and paste for the win
  • @sch said:
    +1 Use it all the time for duplicating a drum part etc to layer with another sound.

    That would be my main use for it as well. On the unrequested 'For now...' tip wagon, here's how I do this currently:

    1. Duplicate the drum part
    2. Double tap to edit it
    3. Select one instance of the note you want to separate out
    4. Go Select -> "Select Row" to select them all
    5. Then, go Select -> "Select Inverse" to select everything but that note
    6. Hit Delete

    Rinse and repeat.

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