IAP Wishlist Thread
Is it appropriate to start a thread to express our wishes for future soundbanks @StevePAL?
For the Acoustic packs I would love to also have choirs!
Is it appropriate to start a thread to express our wishes for future soundbanks @StevePAL?
For the Acoustic packs I would love to also have choirs!
Please do! I have been toying with the idea of providing a choir sample pack myself, as I have access to two actual choirs. It's just pulling it off which is the difficult part, as it would mean assembling a lot of people together at a given time and this requires organisation. Maybe it's time to reinvent the Mellotron?
+1 ! Instabuy !
A Mellotron sample pack would be quite easy to do, seeing I've already sampled an actual Mellotron. But who owns the copyright is another question.
A pack of some more unusual and ambient / evolving patches please. With lots of use of samples. Think Alchemy patch banks.
That would great.
If you sampled the Mellotron, you own the copyright, if I understand it correctly. As long as you didn’t take the samples from the Mellotron “disk” itself. The recording equipment, technique, etc. of the samples is yours. That’s how I understand it, anyway. You probably want to verify with an actual copyright expert, though.
This is shadow area.. nobody will tell you how it is really from point of view of lawyers... It’s different with synths where you build sounds from basic oscillators and very different with basically “romplers” which contains already sampled and processed samples, often very vamous and very easy to identify...
Oh yes, +1 for Alchemy style evolving pads from water samples etc.
If anyone is interested, you can get a free sample pack of the Mellotron - every note is sampled but there are no loops and you can hear the “squeak” at the end of the tape sample (this may or may not be good). I’ve got these and they sound good and are well-recorded but I would like to get sustain-loops going in them.
Yes, that’s a good point of view. Always better to be safe, rather than sorry.
The Mellotron only sustained as long as the tape lasted, about 8 seconds. So a sustain loop would not be “authentic”.
Yeah - but I’m not trying to be authentic either...
On the other hand, that limitation might be a good arrangement motivator.
But I do kind of like the squonk sound at the end too...
I may arm with a microphone and portastudio and 'construct' a DIY 'Mellotron'. Could be fun!
Can we construct instruments in Obsidian like we can in SunVox? I have a piano in SunVox that I sampled from a friend’s Blüthner. It was a bit out of tune when I recorded the samples, but it has a nice character.
I’d be happy to turn it into a full instrument for download in NS2, but I’m not sure how to fit multiple samples across the keyboard, or if that’s possible.
Super easy
Just name your samples based on root note (like “piano c0.wav”, “piano c1.wav”...) .. copy them to single folder... then open Obsidian, choose “sampler” oscillator, tap “automap samples” and choose any of those “piano xx.wav” samples - it automatically loads all samples and creates zones in sampler oscillator
Ok, but how many samples can I load simultaneously? I have all 76 keys sampled, I think. Can all 76 load into Obsidian?
76 not but up to 72 yes
one sampler oscillator allows up to 24 zones... so split your samples to 3 directories, 24 samples per one
then load all 3 obsidian osc slots with sampler and autoload samples from first folder to first osc, secomd folder to second osc, third folder to third osc
then just adjust start/end notes of boundary zones in each oscillator to have them not overlaying zones covered by other oscillators and you're done
Ah! Ok. I’ll try that, thanks! Might take me a while, though.
I’d like IAP packs that are sounds we can’t easily do it Obsidian, like the choirs already requested, more orchestral samples, world instruments, electric guitars, and all the cool Obsidian patches that I just don’t have time to create myself, like for Dubstep and EDM. Oh, and for Slate: Taiko kits would be awesome as well as Cinematic FX. So, basically everything.
@dendy so that’s how the automapping works? Awe Yeah!
Yeah .. automap is supercool thing, saves lot of work
+1000 for this... Love all things percussive, bring on the drums!
Agreed. I will buy almost all drum IAP’s.
❤️ Taiko drums. I would buy that instantly!
I know that the auto map wav naming stuff is in the Obsidian docs, but I didn’t see the 3-osc-3-zone trick above. I was wondering if you might pin a “Power User Tips And Tricks” forum topic that could include stuff like this? - I’ve seen similar tips on other threads, especially using Slate to trigger long audio samples, stacking synths with MIDI send (including transposition and velocity), etc.., so was thinking it would be nice to have them consolidated together
This is a good suggestion. I couldn’t find this technique spelled out in the manual, although it is implied. I suppose this only comes up if you have enough samples to max out a single oscillator. I once used 72 samples, using 3 per octave, so that across all three oscillators every key had a sample in the normal playable range. I did it just because I had the samples. This was ‘keys’ sound and it didn’t really need that many samples, but it is nice to know that it can be done. Especially for evolving or changing samples that sound ‘off’ when pitched up.
This would be a nice thing to address in a ‘how to’ video, or to add to the “Tips & Tricks” chapter in the manual. In fact perhaps all the tips you brought up should be added to the “Tips & Tricks”.
@SlapHappy yah somebody with better english than me should compile all those tips and send them to matt, definitely Tips & Tricks page of manual is best place for such stuff ..
Oh yes, Taiko drums would be great!
I have both acoustic packs, but would gladly purchase more, especially horns.
I set my + for epic cinematic FX and percussive and drum-ish elements