Nanostudio 2 Songs Megathread



  • @drez great ! that is when i'm talking about song having story ! really really really nice !
    @Will That's one proper dub ! Almost can see a LOT OF smoke all arround me :lol:

  • edited December 2018

    Far out Music
    Thank you

  • Damn, I love this thread!!!
    So many great tracks and different styles, I’m gonna have to listen back through all of these this weekend.

    Here’s my latest little number, cooked it up while watching King of the Hill and couldn’t resist this sampling opportunity. The video I shot last spring, edited in LumaFusion.

    I’ve got another video to upload, been having technical difficulties (odd YouTube errors).

  • @3sleeves this music is exactly how I feel every time I watch King of the Hill. 😀 That was a funny show. Great job!

  • @kleptolia one of the greatest animated series of all time, I tell ya what.😁

    Here’s a jam I put together to try a new live performance workflow - 6 beats in one project, using the timeline a bit like a gate slicer at times, embellished with some FlyTape...

    I’ve been wanting to edit this video but haven’t had much time lately, decided to share as is because I haven’t seen anyone else using NS2 this way.
    Does anybody here ever live jam rather than sequence and mix down?

  • Damn that was epic. Like Dendy said would be great in Doom or I imagine a Grime Artist using this and then the song becoming licensed for movies etc.

    @Stiksi said:
    Trying out the Industrial IAPs and loving them! This is how I feel when I'm Christmas Shopping. Very festive.

  • Damn that was dope afffff. Reminds me of the music in Death Note mixed with Mega Man. Love this tune. 🔥🔥🔥

    @drez said:
    Hokay, here's my Getting to Know NS2 tune. Done completely with NS2 stuff, no AU's. May not be your cup o tea, but hope you enjoy anyway. @Blip Interactive thank you for an amazing piece of kit. Its called Six Years because that's how long I've been waiting to mess with it! =)

  • You can feel the sound surround you. This one is surreal it brings you into the world created by the sound and bam you’re just floating away in the future thru vast cities in a cyberpunk setting.

    @kleptolia said:
    This is another remix. Something really cool about Nanostudio2: if you have iMaschine2, you can export a project for Maschine, send it to NS2, and have all of the samples in the files folder. Great way to get your samples into NS2 quickly (obviously, the samples aren’t all pre-assigned to Slate pads, as that would require Native Standard compatibility). Smart move by Blip to make NS2 so file-friendly!

  • Thanks for the kind words guys. Much appreciated !

    @LeeB said:
    @echoopera lovely ambience with a driving rhythmic element
    @richardyot very catchy track and the choir voices fit perfectly
    @Cray23 very cool and intricate d&b. Digging the spoken/vocal bits
    @kleptolia as others have said, it’s got that aphex twin vibe. Nice and gritty!
    @D4DG great to hear different styles. Very industrial sounding
    @nkdvkng the beats keep coming 😎

    @echoopera said:
    Very kind words @nkdvkng and loving your beats. FWIW, i can already hear some tasty rhymes over a bunch of your work....on Gangsta i hear stuff like,
    “So you tell me you love the way...
    The way to do these things...’to cherish
    To relish
    To flourish’and I believe
    Believe in you
    My flower
    My power
    You make me wanna step into your flow
    And go
    To grow to know to join you...
    It doesn’t matter when
    Let’s go
    Let’s go
    Let’s go...”

  • This should be on a Lofi compilation and those mixes on YouTube everyone listens to. And of course it’s own 3Sleeves album! Love the sounds my dude!,

    @3sleeves said:
    Damn, I love this thread!!!
    So many great tracks and different styles, I’m gonna have to listen back through all of these this weekend.

    Here’s my latest little number, cooked it up while watching King of the Hill and couldn’t resist this sampling opportunity. The video I shot last spring, edited in LumaFusion.

    I’ve got another video to upload, been having technical difficulties (odd YouTube errors).

  • @drez lovely chord progressions

    @Stiksi great dramatic soundtrack

    @Will Dam coffee shop vibes right there. Great echos in the right places.

    @3sleeves great track and video. Dope beats and dreamy at the same time.
    Good to see you jamming live in the other video, great stuff.

    @kleptolia Nice, I enjoyed the changes of the different sections.

    MORE PLEASE!!! 😎

  • @Will said:
    Seemed appropriate to do another NS Dub.

    Will, it’s always a cause for celebration when you decide to upload a track, you mad genius! Loved falling down this rabbit hole ❤

    @3sleeves said:
    Here’s my latest little number, cooked it up while watching King of the Hill and couldn’t resist this sampling opportunity. The video I shot last spring, edited in LumaFusion.

    I’ve got another video to upload, been having technical difficulties (odd YouTube errors).

    Man, I never thought you could get so soulful with King of the Hill. Perfect Friday chillout tune. And your live jam was revelation, never thought to try that but it looks like a great idea. For me this is the best part of this community, I know this software intimately, but then someone comes along and shows it in a completely different light.

    @kleptolia That was wild, almost like a dj mix, very cool stuff!

  • Just dropped this one today. Hope everyone enjoys :)

  • Big Facts!! 💯💯💯🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

    Made some of my best stuff on ns2

    @Cinebient said:
    Man, for me it seems NS2 really delivers for the best output of iOS music creations i heard lately.

  • edited December 2018

    @Arpseechord said:

    Really impressive composition and great choice of elements that work so well together. Very inspiring to listen to as all postings in this thread are!!
    Thanks for sharing B)

    Whaaat? How did I miss this gem – very catharctic as the name suggests!

    Edit: sorry for the accidental @’s I quoted the wrong post.
    And I hope no one on this forum is called ’s 😖

  • @Cinebient said:
    Man, for me it seems NS2 really delivers for the best output of iOS music creations i heard lately.
    Some real gems here. Thank you for the pleasure people!
    My favorite so far is Six Years, brilliant piece!


  • @Cinebient said:
    Man, for me it seems NS2 really delivers for the best output of iOS music creations i heard lately.
    Some real gems here. Thank you for the pleasure people!
    My favorite so far is Six Years, brilliant piece!

    This !! Never saw so fast after release sooo much great music in soo much different styles... like every single one track posted here is gem !! Unbelievable.

  • @dendy said:
    guy who did soundtrack for Doom did with this method nice ester egg in this soumdtrack :-)) He added "666" number and pentageams to spectrogram :-))

    btw here is complete video with that guy, he exposes some very interesring souns design trick he used during making that soundtrack
    It's long but worth to watch.

    This was a massively impressive video, many thanks!

    Can we build that Doom Sound Machine with nanostudio 2?

  • edited December 2018

    @Stiksi yeah, the provided samples for that remix were all drums/percussion. I started making Obsidian patches, adding some other samples, and pretty soon I was sewing several different bits together into a Eurotrash Frankenstein’s jukebox.

    What can I say? I love what i do. 😂

    @nkdvkng very smooth beat. Reminds me of moments in early 2000s Musiq Soulchild records. 👍

    Everybody: If I haven’t singled your track out for commendation, that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it, it just means there is a lot of music here to hear, and I have the attention span of a toddler who’s had Lucky Charms injected directly into his bloodstream.

  • @kleptolia
    Everybody: If I haven’t singled your track out for commendation, that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it, it just means there is a lot of music here to hear, and I have the attention span of a toddler who’s had Lucky Charms injected directly into his bloodstream.

    Exactly my case too :-)) Tganks you write this, you saved my time :))

  • My modest contribution to Nanostudio 2 community. A brilliant app, it is!

  • Modest ? Why ? You should be proud :-) Really nice track! Interesting evolvement, really like track ending..

  • @Nyanko said:
    My modest contribution to Nanostudio 2 community. A brilliant app, it is!

    I really like it. Cool build up at the end for a final flourish.

  • Thanks guys. I wasn't happy with the balancing of certain instruments so I uploaded a better version. Sorry to those who got a broken link in the process.
    Here is the newest version:

  • @Cray23 said:

    Finally sort of finish first tune , all internal stuff no factory presets some samples from old sci-fi gpl film cosmos war of the planets. I could definitely fiddle with eq and compressor but I just want to start something new:DDD Enjoy

    Very nice programming! Mix was nice, great use of space and the samples are awesome! Love spoken word samples :+1:

  • @richardyot said:
    This is my second track in NS2. It doesn't really fit any specific genre. Mostly Slate/Obsidian along with a Zeeon lead and some acoustic guitar that I grabbed from an old discarded song:

    That clap is awesome...sounds really far away and along side the glock, it fits nicely! The acoustic and vocal are catchy as well. Great stuff!

  • @LeeB said:
    Something new!

    The breakdown at ~146 to end is my fav. The mix is really good. You’ve got a lot going on and still have everything easily identifiable int he spectrum. Kudos!!

  • @D4DG said:
    Made with NS2, bit err experimental....

    Not normally my genre, but as I kept listening I just wanted to chop that up in slate and go at it! Would make a nice secondary kit against the industrial IAP slate kits. Nice way to break down the wall and create some texture!

  • @Stiksi said:
    Trying out the Industrial IAPs and loving them! This is how I feel when I'm Christmas Shopping. Very festive. old friend! Great use of the gating sounds as well. Those low end strings/synth stabs are huge. The swing,is just the right amount and when the “big gun” industrial drums come in unswung it gives it that “kick in the face” vibe. Really creative melody. Plus the sound choices and mix are top shelf. Great job!

  • @Will said:
    Seemed appropriate to do another NS Dub. Tried to get this one done before release but managed to totally hose a backup! Like, in a way only dipshits who “think they know” can. My tech-scared mother, for instance, never woulda messed it up the way I did. She wouldn’t even know how to. :)

    Anyway... 100% NS2 sounds. Most of the synth patches are random enough via Obsidian’s LFO glory that any mixdown is almost a “version”. Hope this is a decent one.

    I am so bad at dub, so I really appreciate it when it’s done right, the creative use of delay is rad. But the thing I really like is the mix of the bass against the drums. It’s perfect. The drum programming is effing tight...and loose at the same time! Nice use of anticipation and then letting stuff fall late to give it that classic dub feel. I’m learning a lot listening to your stuff. Really really dig it.

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