Thank you too Steve!! Actually they are so well made and to the point, I don’t even have to use the application. I feel so complete just watching them.
Maybe I was wrong to even buy it?...
@Zupi said:
Thank you too Steve!! Actually they are so well made and to the point, I don’t even have to use the application. I feel so complete just watching them.
Maybe I was wrong to even buy it?...
Nah. Kidding of course.
Haha, I feel ya.... this is creating in me „the illusion of knowing“, meaning I think I watch these and know everything, because its soooo clearly laid out, then... when I am at the Studio2... I need to revisit the videos of course
Have this with so much tutorial stuff I watch on YouTube.
Yep I agree. The vids are so well produced it makes it feel as if you’re a pro and then you open up NS2 like. Maaaaaan I wish I retained most of that fm oscillator knowledge lol
@nkdvkng@dendy@Zupi@david_2019 wow, thanks guys. That's quite a confidence boost for me (not the easiest thing to achieve).
I would like to make a lot more videos. Right now, I'm happy to support NS2 and help people tap into its potential a bit. Obviously the best support for us in return would be to purchase the IAP (when or whenever you can afford it).
Down the line when I run out of things to say about NS2 I would consider doing general production videos, just talking about and showing my general production techniques. That really comes down to whether or not the channel has enough subscribers and viewership to support it.
Thanks again guys. Really means a lot. Lots more to come
That's quite a confidence boost for me (not the easiest thing to achieve
Classic case, people
who are doing something really great have lack of confidence, but those who are doing nothing but making other peoples lives more complicated have confidence beyond any limit
That's quite a confidence boost for me (not the easiest thing to achieve
Classic case, people
who are doing something really great have lack of confidence, but those who are doing nothing but making other peoples lives more complicated have confidence beyond any limit
Boom. This. Confidence has nothing to do with being awesome, and being awesome has nothing to do with confidence. I think that one’s a bug in common sense. Possibly beyond the scope of Matt’s coding prowess, but you never know!
@StevePAL catching myself regularly searching YouTube for new videos hehe. Right now the YouTube machine learning will actually present me your videos on front page because it learnt I like them obviously a lot
Glad to hear that you are enjoying making these videos because we enjoy watching them. I hope everyone will support by getting the IAPs. They were instaBuy for me, and I encourage others to get them as well. I find the patches to be a useful and enjoyable addition to NS2, and hope others will as well.
I love the videos and will eventually watch them all. Just started last night.
Only (very minor) nitpick would be the background music is a touch loud at times, competing with my attention for your excellent knowledge. Otherwise, just sets the standard for how videos should be done - clear and concise. Enough to get you going. Thanks again @StevePAL !
@kinkujin thanks for the feedback. I wasn't sure if the BG was too loud. I use a pretty bad editor which tends to change the volume in multiple-dB increments.
This confirms that I should err towards toning it down further. Thanks again!
@dendy@Blip Interactive I think you can change audio to the video. At least that's what YT seems to be saying but I've yet to try it.
I'm just wondering if it's a good allocation of my time though to swap the audio.
To edit, bounce, post process, upload all takes time. Especially with the dodgy editing software I'm using.
Is it mainly the music that overlaps the voiceover that's at issue, the overall loudness, or the shift in loudness that's at issue?
I think I defaulted towards overall loudness because of the silly max volume on the iPad. The other loudness issues are fixed with fiddly gain riding in Camtasia.
I'm just wondering if it's a good allocation of my time though to swap the audio.
Yeah, forget old videos.. makes no sense spend too much time with it, especially if you have plan do more of them It's not THAT bat. Just have it in mind for next ones
Just want to mention to all - spread all those Steve's great videos everywhere possible ! At your facebook, twitter, whatever social network you are in ! It is important for future development to spread info about NS .. remember AB and this forum is far away from all potential NS2 customer base, so spreading info is always good for Blip Interactive Let's show true power of this awesome community !
@StevePAL - I too would like to say that i'm loving these tutorial videos... So good.
I particularly like the more sound design/advanced ones like the one you did on the FM Osc and the one on physical modelling. I'd love more in this vein - tricks on how to really dig into Obsidian.
@MattFletcher2000 thanks! I think I've got a few simpler "quick tips" I'd like to get out of the way here (simple workflow things that people might not notice in NS2).
But pretty soon I'm going to shift more into design, production and more general approaches. Eventually it will probably be me talking about how I produce but using NS2 as the "canvas."
@StevePAL said: @MattFletcher2000 thanks! I think I've got a few simpler "quick tips" I'd like to get out of the way here (simple workflow things that people might not notice in NS2).
But pretty soon I'm going to shift more into design, production and more general approaches. Eventually it will probably be me talking about how I produce but using NS2 as the "canvas."
@StevePAL You are hero dude ! Btw. You should consider creating Patreon account, i believe people would like support you !!
Thank you too Steve!! Actually they are so well made and to the point, I don’t even have to use the application. I feel so complete just watching them.
Maybe I was wrong to even buy it?...
Nah. Kidding of course.
Haha, I feel ya.... this is creating in me „the illusion of knowing“, meaning I think I watch these and know everything, because its soooo clearly laid out, then... when I am at the Studio2... I need to revisit the videos of course
Have this with so much tutorial stuff I watch on YouTube.
Yep I agree. The vids are so well produced it makes it feel as if you’re a pro and then you open up NS2 like. Maaaaaan I wish I retained most of that fm oscillator knowledge lol
steve definetly needs patreon or at least paypal donate button... i believe lot of us would appreciate his effort with more than just words
@nkdvkng @dendy @Zupi @david_2019 wow, thanks guys. That's quite a confidence boost for me (not the easiest thing to achieve).
I would like to make a lot more videos. Right now, I'm happy to support NS2 and help people tap into its potential a bit. Obviously the best support for us in return would be to purchase the IAP (when or whenever you can afford it).
Down the line when I run out of things to say about NS2 I would consider doing general production videos, just talking about and showing my general production techniques. That really comes down to whether or not the channel has enough subscribers and viewership to support it.
Thanks again guys. Really means a lot. Lots more to come
Classic case, people
who are doing something really great have lack of confidence, but those who are doing nothing but making other peoples lives more complicated have confidence beyond any limit
Boom. This. Confidence has nothing to do with being awesome, and being awesome has nothing to do with confidence. I think that one’s a bug in common sense. Possibly beyond the scope of Matt’s coding prowess, but you never know!
Thanks again @StevePAL
@StevePAL catching myself regularly searching YouTube for new videos hehe. Right now the YouTube machine learning will actually present me your videos on front page because it learnt I like them obviously a lot
Glad to hear that you are enjoying making these videos because we enjoy watching them. I hope everyone will support by getting the IAPs. They were instaBuy for me, and I encourage others to get them as well. I find the patches to be a useful and enjoyable addition to NS2, and hope others will as well.
@StevePAL The app is so deep, it's a boon to have such helpful tutorials this early after its release!!
I love the videos and will eventually watch them all. Just started last night.
Only (very minor) nitpick would be the background music is a touch loud at times, competing with my attention for your excellent knowledge. Otherwise, just sets the standard for how videos should be done - clear and concise. Enough to get you going. Thanks again @StevePAL !
@kinkujin thanks for the feedback. I wasn't sure if the BG was too loud. I use a pretty bad editor which tends to change the volume in multiple-dB increments.
This confirms that I should err towards toning it down further. Thanks again!
For this type of presentation background music is really not necessary. Maybe just a taste at the beginning and the end? IMHO
Vids are very helpful BTW.
Yes I agree that there is no need for bg music in these videos.
BTW great job on the tutorials, thanks for posting them.
i think that bg musis it ok, it makes them more interesting, it's looks like radio broadcast where this is common thing ..
i would just put that music significantly quieter
I think the background music's a little loud too, and Steve agrees so he'll change it for future videos.
It's a shame it's not possible to change existing videos on YouTube without changing the URL.
not sure but isn't possible to replace just audio track in youtube online video editor, and still preserve video url ??
Don't bloody ask me, I'm too old to know this sort of thing. Any 5 year old should know though
@dendy @Blip Interactive I think you can change audio to the video. At least that's what YT seems to be saying but I've yet to try it.
I'm just wondering if it's a good allocation of my time though to swap the audio.
To edit, bounce, post process, upload all takes time. Especially with the dodgy editing software I'm using.
Is it mainly the music that overlaps the voiceover that's at issue, the overall loudness, or the shift in loudness that's at issue?
I think I defaulted towards overall loudness because of the silly max volume on the iPad. The other loudness issues are fixed with fiddly gain riding in Camtasia.
FWIW it doesn’t bother me in the least.
But for future vids I think you really need some cheesy elevator music. Something bouncy.
Yeah, forget old videos.. makes no sense spend too much time with it, especially if you have plan do more of them
It's not THAT bat. Just have it in mind for next ones
I watched them all and they are very helpful. Thanks @StevePAL, amazing service to the community.
Just want to mention to all - spread all those Steve's great videos everywhere possible ! At your facebook, twitter, whatever social network you are in ! It is important for future development to spread info about NS .. remember AB and this forum is far away from all potential NS2 customer base, so spreading info is always good for Blip Interactive
Let's show true power of this awesome community !
Haha. Ok, I'll let it be for now in the current videos but for future videos I'll tone it down.
Unless I manage to produce some cheesy elevator music. Then I'm going to be sure to PUMP THAT SHIT ALL THE WAY UP.
@StevePAL - I too would like to say that i'm loving these tutorial videos... So good.
I particularly like the more sound design/advanced ones like the one you did on the FM Osc and the one on physical modelling. I'd love more in this vein - tricks on how to really dig into Obsidian.
Can't wait for the next one...
@MattFletcher2000 thanks! I think I've got a few simpler "quick tips" I'd like to get out of the way here (simple workflow things that people might not notice in NS2).
But pretty soon I'm going to shift more into design, production and more general approaches. Eventually it will probably be me talking about how I produce but using NS2 as the "canvas."
That sounds great. And really useful. Thanks.
Ladys and gentlemen, here you see rising star of music production vlogs !
@StevePAL keep on rockin' !!