Some competition from Steinberg
Heads up! Cubasis just got updated to 2.7 and with it Micrologue just got a sweet arpeggiator. Also they’ve fixed AU midi. NANOSTUDIO has some catchup to do now
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Heads up! Cubasis just got updated to 2.7 and with it Micrologue just got a sweet arpeggiator. Also they’ve fixed AU midi. NANOSTUDIO has some catchup to do now
This seems needlessly trolly.
Now I can afford multiple studios! And take them all over with me
NS2 has never crashed for me. Steinberg has some catchup to do now
Roadie and rock star rolled into one
More Roadie
Mmmm...nope. Not from where I’m sitting.
We all have to start somewhere😁
Not from where I’m sitting either. I don’t think there is even a remote comparison with Cubasis in terms of speed, stability, ease of workflow, and the like. I don’t even have Cubasis installed on my new iPad Pro, and when NS2 gets audio tracks and MIDI start/stop sync, I’ll be deleting Auria from this one too, and only keep those dinosaurs on my backup iPads (2 of ‘em). BTW: NS2 made it into the top 10 iOS Music Apps of 2018 and it was in good company too.
I tend to see Cubasis and NS2 as complimentary apps. They work pretty well together.
In this land of low cost iOS apps, I doubt we will ever see an all encompassing super app, unless Apple throw the money and man power at it themselves or the iOS marketplace drastically changes.
Sounds like some “Host Hooligans” going on there
Forum hopping are we? Lol
I’m now in a mode of streamlining and simplifying these days, so less is more. Remember Cakewalk 2.0 with the blue-dots? Or Musicator GS? As primitive as it was, I think the workflow was simple and straightforward and I keep thinking maybe my output was greater because of it. Trying to get back to that state of mind (of course, being ~30 years younger would help too...)
Until NS2 came along, I was hellbent on making Xequence/GB my thing.
Your comments over there are gold second to mine(If they still exist!) lol
Believe it or not I’ve been going through the same ‘simplify’ process. I’m still using NS2 / Cubasis / Auria Pro sandwich, but this is highly simplified from all the apps I was using. I’m still struggling to reduce my fx apps though, but at least they are mostly in the background until I need them.
As for the actual sound makers, I’ve deleted loads of them and mostly use Obsidian in NS2 and then some AUs that give me sounds Ob will never manage.
I’m more interested in ‘players’ now - Like GeoShred and iFretless or the complex sample players like Sensual Sax.
My current process is simple enough:
Drums and main song structure in NS2
Create a mixdown of Audio for Cubasis to add any of the more complex AUs in where freeze may be needed.
Send all the audio tracks to Auria for final mixing (I get here rarely).
I struggled for a long time getting the courage up to delete all the Korg apps and all the hardly used drum machines, but I get distracted less now.
No,I reported all yours and got them deleted lol
But first you archived them to draw upon when you’re in need of wisdom or a witty intelligent comment
I wonder if anyone would ever call us wise?! Lol
I like the idea of using things for their strengths rather than trying a million kludges to get something to fly, just so you can say you kept it in one box, so that looks like a smart workflow you got going.
Oh man, I hear you. Gadget especially is hard to kill, but I almost never use it any more and I’m still infatuated with the sequencer and patchbay in the iMS-20. Plus, a Wavestation SR was my first “real” synth, having gone through too many mediocre Roland boxes (the CZ1000 I still have). So deleting the iWavestation would be the most difficult (plus, it fixes the hellish editing on the original HW). But I have removed the old Electribe, Kaossilator, and PolySix - LOL that’s a start, right?
Joking aside, that’s why I keep posting about audio tracks and midi start/stop/sync — with those 2 in place I’d be happy and content; you’d probably never hear from me again.
On average ten random people daily climb the mountain and enter my about you?!?
I’m not that way inclined lol
I always wanted a Wavestation when I was younger, but never got one. Once I got the app, I found I actually wasn’t that keen on it - I do miss the iMS-20 though!
FWIW Cubasis has a lot of catchup to do as well particularly in terms of file management and sampling/synthesis, track grouping and midi sends etc.
Beside all the bashing and stuff.... obsidian with an aRP... yeah. They would be best buds
I don't like title of this thread :-) It's clickbait :-)
I would like to love Cubasis but I just can't. Each time I open it, I find the UI really not intuitive and ugly. Besides the color palette doesn't help reading much and I need lots of contrasts with my poor eyes. Too bad visual limitations keep me away from it. It's an irony, I agree.
Same here !!
I know it was a bit of a joke thread, but on the AudioBus Forums we made up names for the different types of iOS music makers. This does make one thing clear though - it doesn’t matter what the DAW / Host makers try, they simply will never be able to cater to all iOS music makers.
We will always need different DAWs / Hosts
You silly goose you, no I meant does anyone climb the mountain where your cave is said to be in the hopes of getting a glimpse of you or even a golden nugget of your fruit

bat wisdom?!?
No forget all that let’s just say I doubt anyone will call us wise except for the decision to get NS2
If we got paid for our nuggets of wisdom....we would be so rich! Lol