Can you automate audio fx?
As per the title, I’ve added an effect through audio fx on a mixer channel and I want to automate some of its parameters. I can’t figure out how to add a sequencer track for the effect, and hitting record and then adjusting the parameters doesn’t create one automatically.
If this isn’t possible, is there another way to add a second reverb to an Obsidian? I want the reverb to be there as normal but then be able to cross fade a much bigger reverb. In Reason I would just add a second Reverb unit in the effects chain and automate its wet/dry knob to fade it in and out, but I don’t seem to be able to do this in NS.
Ahh, I found it. You do it in the sequencer by tapping the automation edit button and then choosing the track which has the effect in its chain. It then shows you automation lanes for the various parameters of the effect. That’s really nice that it’s all within the sequencer like that.
Hmm, it doesn’t seem to work.
The automation data is drawn in, but the knob doesn’t move and the effect doesn’t fade in. If I move the knob manually, I can hear the effect.
Youn need activate "R" button (R for READ) in top part of mixer channel (left side of "W" which stands for Write W is activated, if you hit record then you can directly tweak effects knobs and they will be recorded (not all fx params are available for automation, during recordimg there is red dot near thise which are)
with "R" switched to green color it will read your automations
Yes!!! It works! Thank you! Once again this software just got even better
Now, can I use one automation lane to control more than one parameter? Again I’m kind of porting from Reason where you can assign a knob to multiple parameters and then automate it. I know you can do this in the modulation matrix, but that only applies to effects within the instrument. Can I do the same thing for insert effects on the mixer? Or do I just have to draw automation for each parameter?
no, one lane comtrols just one parameter at the moment
you are talkimg about concept which is called "macro knobs" in NS. Currently this is posible just with Obsidian (to control multiple synth parameters with one knob)
here more details about automation:
Ah, yes I’d seen the macro automation options and this is very similar to Combinator or Mix Channel programming in Reason where you can route one button or rotary to multiple parameters of multiple devices. It gets really crazy and you can get some amazing effects by cranking one knob and having it affect a whole load of instruments and effects simultaneously. I’d love to see this implemented for all automatable parameters in NS.
Massive +1. I find the current ‘macros’ more of an inconvenience than a ‘feature’. Multiple parameters per knob functionality would at least justify the effort in having to set them up
another + 1 ^
Is there a way to simply switch on and off an audio FX? A workaround is just to reduce the wet control if that's exposed. The AU FXs currently aren't all exposing dry/wet parameters - am I right in thinking you can't just turn them off or on somehow? Cheers.
It's 1:1 for AU Instruments but you can stack any number of parameters on Obsidian Macros (with discreet values for each).
Yep. Just tap the blue power button next to the name in the fx list. Manual: track effects
But I can't automate that, can I?
Ah, no.
Tl; dr: NS2 rocks at automation workflow. NS2 fans love automation. The full glass looks so much tastier when NS2 takes us 85% of the way from day 1!
15% to go! Yum! I think it’s clear we will keep cheering @Blip Interactive every further step of the way. 🤓
Indeed. For me it's similar to most requests. I'd love and make use of the ability to gang controls to macros with AU instruments. Same for automating AU effect parameters! And I look forward to those features landing at some point. But the truth is, if I can't make a decent song in NS2 without the ability to do those things, NS2 is definitely not the problem.
Erm....Since when did a feature request = someone not being able to make ‘decent songs’? Can make a decent song on a 4-track cassette deck...doesn’t make it a 2” 24 track deck
Confusing correlation to throw out there to insinuate that feature requests have anything to do with the quality of music that people are capable of producing in ns2. People could be making incredible music, but just hoping to do it in future minus the necessity for multiple daws and workarounds 
@flockz Sigh. I didn't say that or imply any sort of correlation. You're obviously welcome to read it however you'd like but maybe note the pronouns. I make a ton of requests.
NS2 -> my Tascam 424MKII sounds pretty awesome, by the way.
EVERYTHING sounds good in to a 424
Sorry if I read your post wrong. Just seemed like an odd thing to say, like you could persuade yourself to be content with almost any daw/software/instrument using that equation
‘it’s not you, it’s me’ 
You could say the exact you could persuade yourself to not be content with almost any daw/software/instrument using that equation

‘It’s not me, it’s you’
Haha. But why would anyone create ‘imagined’ problems if there were none? They’d be too busy being content
Tell that to intersectionalists