Is it possible to get NS2 to recognize scores with notation from Notion
I tried sending some midi files from notion into a new song and I set the tempo in NS2 to the original tempo from the score in Notion but slight ritards and a tempos do not get recognized or happen. Am I trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Any advice welcome...perhaps I need to turn the quantize off (not sure how to do that yet) slow learner here
At the top, tap the measures counter and you get a big pop open window. Then go to the left and you’ll see there are 2 tabs to this window: play arrow and record button. Tap record button to open up window for Quantize options. Hope that helps.
Thank you I will try
I turned quantize off
The piano track just sails along at the allotted tempo lol
Oh well not a deal breaker by any means just wanted to try it out
So are you saying that the tempo changes in the imported MIDI file are not being recognized? Just curious if you are then able to manually make tempo changes to the piece once it's in NS2? Manually is not as slick as it just being there after import, but I am not sure if there is something amiss in the 'recognizing data that is imported' or if there is an issue with tempo change in NS2. Does that make sense?
Yes the midi score from Notion is at the tempo of 63 so I’ve set the tempo in NS2 at 63 also. There are areas in the score from Notion where slight ritards happen and then it organically picks up the “a tempo” at 63. This midi file in NS2 doesn’t acknowledge those subtle changes. It would be nice if it did🙏🏻🎹🎼
By the way this is Notion the iOS app
What tempo would the ritard equate to? Can you change the tempo of that section so that it plays normally?
I could try but it’s a gradual decline in tempo within the bar or bars and than the music picks up its primo tempo again
Might not be possible to do.
I'm not sure how granular NS is with regard to slight ritards but imported MIDI files can have their tempo changes imported. When you import the file, it will ask you if you want to use any tempo or time sig events found in the file.
NS can also ramp tempos between events. I wonder how these are expressed in a MIDI file? As some special type of tempo event or as a series of small tempo changes?
I also wonder if the importer snaps incoming tempo events to the song's grid (lower left GRID value, not the record quantize value) since this is the way it works when you manually enter them into the timeline. I doubt this is the case but you might turning the grid off before importing as an experiment anyway.
Okay much info here thanks! When I imported it into NS2 I don’t recollect any pop up asking if I wanted the tempo and time signature info within the midi file imported also. Perhaps I missed something there and I’ll investigate further.
In Notion the midi file gets created from the score and there’s an open in... so I send it to NS2.
Progress!! Thank you...nice piece of software here

So it works now? Was it the pop up window’s options that were the thing?
More about me opening up my eyes and reading the options within the pop up!
It’s all about having fun making music🎹🎼👍
Yes it’s registering the ritards even the diminuendo at the end of the piano part
That sounds awesome! So how do you like Notion? I’ e seen it in the appstore, with some mixed reviews. It sounds great. How was the learning curve? The price with all IAPs is pretty significant, but if it works well that app could be a valuable tool.
Notion for me is becoming a go to app. I’m writing simple to more complex compositions and the options for exporting different file formats is great because it opens up many routes to take to develop ideas further. The learning curve is quite nice as long as the functions and tools within the app work well and they have for me. I didn’t go with all the iaps. Just a few of the sounds i felt I needed since I have iSymphonics many iaps and other apps etc...
It’s very nice that NS2 imports articulated midi files into its ecosystem...just gives us many options to song creation options
114 Tempo Events. Dayyyyyum. And those all import? Would love to see that timeline.
Just small detail, that popup screen from top navigation which you posted in one of first posts, where is quantisation - bear in mind that this is REALTIME quantisation. This means it's applied only to new recorded notes during playbach/recording.
It doesn't affect in any way things which aready are recorded, drawed, or imported from midi file.
It's just for new incoming notes
Thanks for the useful information dendy! Learning more everyday about NS2 is a great and rewarding experience.
Notion is great but the midi output is not great. I would try exporting a file in musicXML, then opening and re-exporting it from another program like Guitar Pro 7. Alternatively (and more expensively) Notion for PC/Mac has immaculate midi export when selecting "send to Studio One" and then exporting the midi files from studio one. It's quite a headache but that's been my experience
Thanks for this info, good to know this and I will look into it
What? NS2 can read Notion files? App of the year!
It does seem impressive. I’m still considering which notation app is best.
Here’s some helpful discussion from a past thread on audiobus forum