FR: Compressor Ratio
Can we have a slightly wider range for Ratio parameter? Current 7.8:1 followed by inf. could be extended to 12 or even 20:1 and then inf.
Also noticed (but will double check with better headphones) difference between 100% Dry and Bypassed compressor. Is that expected behavior?
Thanks anyway, it's definitely one of the most useable compressors on iOS.
lol that's funny, i literally NEVER used ratio higher than 5-6, so i didn't noticed it ends bellow 10
basically by inserting two compressors, each with lets say 1:7, with all settings same, you get 1:14.. or no ?
Just thinking about possible workaround...
You have good ears
never noticed this too... hard to say if this is expected behaviour, donyou think it should be considered as bug ?
Yes you are right about workaround, that should be ok. I often use ratio 12:1 or 20:1 as sound desing element basicly distortion
(think UA 1176 for drums)
Specially if parallel is built in I tend to push it hard and then dial back some dry signal.
I would say it's bug, but can be part of some efficiency routine of the app. It's not that apparent, so not a big deal, just thought worth mentioning if it's indeed unintended.