Ruismaker noir and automation
I was wondering if there is another way than automating the volume to get Ruismaker noir to start and stop whenever we want during the course of the song. Cause as I don't need to calibrate different volumes, just to specify whether it's on or off, I was wondering if we could trigger it to start and stop on a track. Thanks.
I just do mixer automation.
Like you can automate mute for example?
I just automated the fader because I wanted a soft on and off so it wasn't instantaneous but you could do that too.
Just tip. Better aproach than automate fader is to put "stereo gain" insert fx on channel and automate this insert...
why ? because they yoy have free fader and you can play with global volume of that track - you will be not affected by automation and track gain fx will control relative volume to actual fader position...
Yeah @dendy ‘s tip cannot be highlighted enough! Trick I learned many years ago. Never automate the master fader, only automate a volume control at the end of the insert effect chain. Then you can still adjust the overall volume to taste.
this !
probably matt should remove fader automation at all to force people use good habits
Thinking about adding it as request, but rather i will not do it or he gets heart attack mixed with stroke

That’s a good tip. In my case I was just using fader automation to kill the track audio so it was fine for my little experiment. It’s all experimentation at this point. Lots of nice stuff in this app!
Good tip thanks. I don't need it in my actual project but I'll make sure to use it on other ones.