That was my 2nd Forum Name. My first one was Styrbjorn
Dendy beat me by a month, which is good because I rely upon him to answer my questions.
I’m glad the forum is re-populated. A year ago I was forced to use both my forum names to converse back and forth with myself on the forum. Almost went crazy waiting for NS2 - but I’m not sure Matt hasn’t gone crazy coding NS2.
Forgive the necroposting, but I thought reviving the “First!” thread might be an appropriate place to leave our “last” words. There are still a couple days to go, and I’m sure there will still be the occasional thread on the Loopy Pro/Audiobus forum, but I just found this post again and I can’t believe that I joined the NS1 forum on 8/31/2010. 14 1/2 years of a forum dedicated to Nanostudio…. Wow! It’ll really be strange not having that around anymore. Some really good people have shared some great insights about NanoStudio 1 & 2, and that has been very satisfying to be a part of. Thanks to all the forum members (except the occasional trolls) for the positive energy! I hope some of us die-hards keep going with NS2 (or NS1) long into the future. For me it’ll be until they pry it from my cold dead hands. See you guys around on Loopy Pro.
Don’t lose that enthusiasm! I hope you continue with NS2. And of course hardware. I recently sold some used gear I didn’t want and got a Roland Gaia 2, which has a USB-C port. Plugged my iPad in and the Gaia 2 was recognized by NS2 with no special interface or fuss. MIDI worked and I recorded sounds into AudioShare and easily imported into NS2. I like that sort of Plug & Play.
I hope to see you on the Loopy Pro forum. I scan the threads about once every week or two, maybe read one or two, but generally don’t post unless it’s about NS2. I usually don’t have enough experience with other apps to make comments.
I bought my first, 2nd generation, iPad because I was astonished by the original Nanostudio and various demos I’ve seen on YouTube at 2011, Matt was on to something then while other companies still didn’t jump fully on the wagon. Then at 2018 bought the 6th gen I am still using now, patiently waiting for the NS2. It’s a bit of ironic paradox that Apple benefited more than him from this situation. 🫤
Brilliant. 😂 I thought it would adjust the date for the region.
Got me beat @dendy
I'm The Elder One, knee before me or you will be forced to make music with BM3 till eternity !!!
(dammit, why there is not "evil laugh" emoticon??)
Oh do I!

That was my 2nd Forum Name. My first one was Styrbjorn
Dendy beat me by a month, which is good because I rely upon him to answer my questions.
I’m glad the forum is re-populated. A year ago I was forced to use both my forum names to converse back and forth with myself on the forum. Almost went crazy waiting for NS2 - but I’m not sure Matt hasn’t gone crazy coding NS2.
I remember Styrbjorn because it made me think of Borg.
I think we should start a rumour that Dendy hacked the server and adjusted his join date. Or pushed our dates back, either one works!
Actually, i changes my date few months forward, to not expose it was initialy set BEFORE forum was even opened.
Forgive the necroposting, but I thought reviving the “First!” thread might be an appropriate place to leave our “last” words. There are still a couple days to go, and I’m sure there will still be the occasional thread on the Loopy Pro/Audiobus forum, but I just found this post again and I can’t believe that I joined the NS1 forum on 8/31/2010. 14 1/2 years of a forum dedicated to Nanostudio…. Wow! It’ll really be strange not having that around anymore. Some really good people have shared some great insights about NanoStudio 1 & 2, and that has been very satisfying to be a part of. Thanks to all the forum members (except the occasional trolls) for the positive energy! I hope some of us die-hards keep going with NS2 (or NS1) long into the future. For me it’ll be until they pry it from my cold dead hands. See you guys around on Loopy Pro.
Oh god. It's been almost fifteen years since i registered on forum. I was young and full of enthusiasm !
Don’t lose that enthusiasm! I hope you continue with NS2. And of course hardware. I recently sold some used gear I didn’t want and got a Roland Gaia 2, which has a USB-C port. Plugged my iPad in and the Gaia 2 was recognized by NS2 with no special interface or fuss. MIDI worked and I recorded sounds into AudioShare and easily imported into NS2. I like that sort of Plug & Play.
I hope to see you on the Loopy Pro forum. I scan the threads about once every week or two, maybe read one or two, but generally don’t post unless it’s about NS2. I usually don’t have enough experience with other apps to make comments.
I bought my first, 2nd generation, iPad because I was astonished by the original Nanostudio and various demos I’ve seen on YouTube at 2011, Matt was on to something then while other companies still didn’t jump fully on the wagon. Then at 2018 bought the 6th gen I am still using now, patiently waiting for the NS2. It’s a bit of ironic paradox that Apple benefited more than him from this situation. 🫤