This forum will close on 17th March 2025
Just a heads-up that I'll be closing this forum on 17/3/25. This is when my anti-spam subscription ends.
For anyone looking for a place to talk about NanoStudio or indeed any music app, the General App Discussion category of the Loopy Pro forum is a good bet:
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for the heads up! Otherwise the forum may have shut down while I was typing in mid-sentence. It’s been fun. Thanks for the fantastic app Mr Blip!
Thanks to everyone who has contributed their positive energy to this forum, in especially to the NS2 guru dendy. You’ve helped many people understand NS2 better. Thanks for your help!
Goodbye all forum friends! All the best to the tall folks I've interacted with on this forum, even if it was an argument
@SlapHappy Respect for staying really active on the forum until the end !
@Blip Interactive Matt, again - I wish you all the best in work, family and all your potential hobby projects ! In case anytime in future you will miss some random dudes to distract you from work ( covering that distraction as "beta testing"), i will be always there (i do not want to speak for rest of ex-team, but i guess they will be happy to reanimate our collab too
Everybody, stay creative no matter what !
All the very best Matt. And thank you for creating an app that perfectly matched my workflow and that has allowed me to enjoy music making on an iDevice, letting me start and finish many, many tracks even while “on the go”.
Good luck in everything that you do 👍😊