NS2 desktop version on the horizon?
Bouncing between iOS and Windows was so convenient with NS1 since there was a desktop version.
Can any of the in-the-know forum members out there comment on the potential release of a desktop version of NS2?
Bouncing between iOS and Windows was so convenient with NS1 since there was a desktop version.
Can any of the in-the-know forum members out there comment on the potential release of a desktop version of NS2?
Nothing to mention at this moment. The iPhone is next and Convolution reverb and audio tracks after that. Anything beyond that is pretty much in Blip’s massive brain.
@Stiksi fair enough. Looking forward to both of those other things as well, planning on dedicating an older iPhone to NS2 when possible.
Yes would love to see it appear on desktop can only dream as sure Matt got enough on his plate for the next 2 years adding to the iOS model.
I wondered the same thing, but was afraid to ask.
I use the desktop version every day! It would require work however to make it good enough for public release. I'd rather narrow my focus on iOS right now, and this would be a distraction.
@3sleeves Love that one
Keep up the awesome work @Blip Interactive
Thank you, for real, I really love NS1 and NS2 and appreciate you immensely for creating them.
Classic line in that scene “I wanna make love to a school boy, I mean I’m a school girl” or whatever he said lolol
I bored Matt to tears a few months back with long posts on this subject, so hopefully he’ll ‘skip’ this post.
Matt released the Free PC/Mac version of NS1 so that users could try before buying the iOS version. That was a great way to introduce a new app from a new company. But everytime updates were needed in the iOS version Matt had to update the PC/Mac versions. Easily this doubled his work for no extra income. That workload has to manifest itself somewhere. I’d prefer to see Matt’s time prioritized to iOS versions - that’s where most users will want to use NS2. However, IF there is to be a PC/Mac vesrion, I hope that all the dedicated NS2 users would join me and refuse a free copy of it and demand that we be allowed to support the company bringing us this great app by allowing us to buy PC/Mac versions. No Freebies!
“Freebies? We don’t need no stinkin’ freebies!”
I’d gladly pay for a desktop version, but completely understand why iOS development is more important from a business stand point. If @Blip Interactive does decide to release NS2 for desktop I would hope he charges enough to compensate for his tremendous work. This is the one application I would still use happily if it was subscription-based, because I know the individual behind it all is dedicating a lot of his time, energy, heart and soul to making it extremely functional.
Precisely! I'd rather the iPhone version once I get my XR next year.
Then I can produce full on productions on the road.
Long way to go before ns2 could compete with desktop daws. Definitely wiser to focus on functions before looking at porting. But would be a nice option eventually.
For me that worked with NS1. I first tried out the Windows version on my laptop, loved its potential, but realized that it works far better on the iPad. Bought it, never regretted it and it was my first app (GB aside) for music making.
Especially since the price of v2 is quite a bit higher than v1, people might think twice before buying. If they can try the functionality beforehand, it could help.
Gadget for mac is $300 (50% off right now) so…
the beauty of NS2 is that it is streamlined for ios. As long as it's easy enough to export stems for mixing/ mastering, I'm happy.
Once NS2 gets iPhone compatibility and audio tracks I'm planning on having multiple devices running at the same time in my home setup...each device will have a specific role, but with AirDrop sharing I can pass the working files between devices and continue working on the same project from any position in the room (behind the drum set, standing by a vocal/instrument mic, sitting at my desk, walking around the room). It's an extremely powerful creative tool as is, no doubt about it. Adding desktop support could expand its potential, but if that would interfere with iOS development then there's no need to go that route.
I'm on board whichever way this thing goes, it's more useful and convenient for me than anything else I've tried the past couple decades.
If I’m honest the iPhone version concerns me. Matt already said that it’s a constant concern in terms of adding features and gui stuff to iPad version that’ll also work nicely on iPhone. I’m sure both iPad and iPhone version will turn out great but can’t help thinking the best iOS daw will eventually be one without those kind of design/feature constraints. Feels a bit like someone consciously giving themselves a design handicap? Nothing else on the horizon though so i don’t think it’s anything for Matt to be concerned about for the forseeable..And obviously phone users will be happy to see it happen so I guess it makes sense in a lot of ways.
I can’t even find words to agree strongly enough with you last sentence. I think like you, a lot of people want to be mobile sometimes and be in a home studio other times. There is still a lot of work to be done on the iOS platform (iPhone, Audio Tracks, CR) but who knows what can happen after that. Maybe a desktop version would be supported (and again I hope it is a paid for option due to the extra work it adds). The future sure looks bright!
I never had an iPad to use with NS1, used it exclusively on iPod touch 3rd gen and iPhone 5C, and it ran pretty much flawlessly on both...still does on the 5C (iPod battery lasts about 45 minutes on a full charge anymore, not worth the time and effort to refurbish).
The iPod touch had a smaller screen than the 5C and it was still a breeze to use NS1.
At the moment, Korg Gadget (and maybe Caustic) are the only things I'm aware of that compare to NS1 for making complete tracks on iPhone in one app. Gadget is ok but cumbersome to play keys unless it's modal (really requires a controller to be fun), Caustic never clicked with me after several attempts to adapt to it.
I'm guessing there are some users out there in a similar boat. I'd also assume an iPhone version could introduce a lot more potential users, ones who either don't have an iPad or desktop DAW. For musicians just starting out and struggling to buy gear an iPhone running NS2 would be a tremendous step forward.
For a dated reference, I bought a Boss SP-505 in 2002 for $350 used, then a Fostex MR-8 recorder for $250, plus about $100 worth of memory cards between the two, mainly so I didn't have to stay chained to a computer to make the music I wanted to make. For that same amount of money today I could buy a slightly older iPhone (or budget iPad), a basic audio interface, possibly a used bluetooth MIDI controller, and NS2 (and AudioShare too). Not getting into how powerful a tablet or smartphone can be as a self-promotional tool now (album/poster art creation, social media tools, etc), that's another discussion though.
The barrier for entry into professional audio production is eroding, so much so that defining a baseline for what constitutes professional equipment is becoming moot...it's more about customization of workflow when there are so many options for high quality content generation/output.
NS2 is the future.
here, here
Did few short demos
and single long track in gadget but it was pain, inwas never swearing so much with any other app