NS2 and all IAP sound packs are now FREE!

Hi all! I'm pleased to be able to announce that you can now download NanoStudio 2 and all IAP sound packs free of charge, no strings attached!

Why? Well, new EU laws require traders to register a contact address and telephone number which will be displayed in the app's Store page. For the level of income that NS2 provides, this isn't worth setting up in my opinion.

So rather than have the app disappear from the store I've instead made everything free so I can make a reasonable claim that I'm not 'trading'.

A word of warning: NS2 will be taken off the App Store in April (exact date TBD). It will still work after that time if you have it installed on your device, but if you delete it you may not be able to get it back if you don't have a backup. I believe there are desktop apps such as iMazing that can do such a backup - someone will work it out I'm sure.




  • So that is the definitive end. Really sad. 😔

  • Here is some detailed information on using iMazing to back up apps to a PC or Mac. Unfortunately, I don't think IAP content can be backed up or restored once the app is fully gone from the App Store. But the app itself can be backed up provided you do so before it's removed from the App Store.


  • @Blip Interactive said:
    A word of warning: NS2 will be taken off the App Store in April (exact date TBD). It will still work after that time if you have it installed on your device, but if you delete it you may not be able to get it back if you don't have a backup. I believe there are desktop apps such as iMazing that can do such a backup - someone will work it out I'm sure.

    And what if a person lacks a computer to back up NS2 with? I work exclusively with iOS/iPadOS, and NS2 is one of the most important apps in my toolkit (alongside others like Grand Finale 2 and such).

  • edited February 13

    @jwmmakerofmusic said:

    @Blip Interactive said:
    A word of warning: NS2 will be taken off the App Store in April (exact date TBD). It will still work after that time if you have it installed on your device, but if you delete it you may not be able to get it back if you don't have a backup. I believe there are desktop apps such as iMazing that can do such a backup - someone will work it out I'm sure.

    And what if a person lacks a computer to back up NS2 with? I work exclusively with iOS/iPadOS, and NS2 is one of the most important apps in my toolkit (alongside others like Grand Finale 2 and such).

    Unfortunately then you are stuck. The app will keep working on any devices you have it installed on, but you won't be able to install it on a new device. If it's critical to you then perhaps seeking out a friend who would let you back it up to their PC or Mac might be worth the effort.

    This is assuming that the app is removed "completely" from the App Store. Removing it from sale and removing it completely are two different things. If it has only been removed from sale then it will still be able to be restored from your purchased items.

    Apps can get "completely removed" when a developer closes their developer account, or if they explicitly take the app down.

    Again though: the app and all IAPs should continue to work on devices you have it installed on already - unless a future iOS update breaks it. Also: IAP downloads are not backed up. Those will be unrecoverable if the app disappears completely.

  • @number37 said:

    @jwmmakerofmusic said:

    @Blip Interactive said:
    A word of warning: NS2 will be taken off the App Store in April (exact date TBD). It will still work after that time if you have it installed on your device, but if you delete it you may not be able to get it back if you don't have a backup. I believe there are desktop apps such as iMazing that can do such a backup - someone will work it out I'm sure.

    And what if a person lacks a computer to back up NS2 with? I work exclusively with iOS/iPadOS, and NS2 is one of the most important apps in my toolkit (alongside others like Grand Finale 2 and such).

    Unfortunately then you are stuck. The app will keep working on any devices you have it installed on, but you won't be able to install it on a new device. If it's critical to you then perhaps seeking out a friend who would let you back it up to their PC or Mac might be worth the effort.

    This is assuming that the app is removed "completely" from the App Store. Removing it from sale and removing it completely are two different things. If it has only been removed from sale then it will still be able to be restored from your purchased items.

    Apps can get "completely removed" when a developer closes their developer account, or if they explicitly take the app down.

    Again though: the app and all IAPs should continue to work on devices you have it installed on already - unless a future iOS update breaks it. Also: IAP downloads are not backed up. Those will be unrecoverable if the app disappears completely.

    Ah, okay. Well, the IAPs are not my main concern. Yes I purchased them, but haven't used any of them in a few years. It's the main app.

  • edited February 13

    fwiw @Blip Interactive - I know of one other developer who declined to bow to the EU requirement.

    They chose to keep their apps available everywhere else but the EU as sales in the EU were only about 25% of their total. I assume the other 75% was enough to make it worth keeping up with the yearly Apple developer account fee.

  • @Blip Interactive - I wonder if you could let us know if you'll be only removing the app from "sale" in the App Store, or if you'll be removing it altogether.

    Apps merely removed from sale in the App Store can still be restored by existing owners from their Purchased Items. Apps completely removed, or where the developer account is discontinued, can only be recovered from an iMazing backup.

  • tjatja
    edited February 14


  • @Blip Interactive said:
    Hi all! I'm pleased to be able to announce that you can now download NanoStudio 2 and all IAP sound packs free of charge, no strings attached!

    Why? Well, new EU laws require traders to register a contact address and telephone number which will be displayed in the app's Store page. For the level of income that NS2 provides, this isn't worth setting up in my opinion.

    So rather than have the app disappear from the store I've instead made everything free so I can make a reasonable claim that I'm not 'trading'.

    A word of warning: NS2 will be taken off the App Store in April (exact date TBD). It will still work after that time if you have it installed on your device, but if you delete it you may not be able to get it back if you don't have a backup. I believe there are desktop apps such as iMazing that can do such a backup - someone will work it out I'm sure.



    How much do you want to sell it, so it can be maintained with newer ios releases?
    If it has no value to you now, then a final one off payment to pass it on may be some solice.

  • If you want I can put it in my AppStore collection to sell it for you. If you want I also can help with maintaining it. It is such a musical tool!

  • edited February 14

    Oh man, i really thought NS2 will get some useful update, so it works on Apple Silicon Macs correctly.. :( Sadly, it doesn't work on my M1 Macbook. Is it enough to just install the app on Mac and backup the app folder? I read that M2 might work good..

  • edited February 14

    @Blip Interactive That phone number / address nonsense in EU is related only to paid apps - not to free apps .. so maybe just leave NS free in appstore and eventually add some patreon / paypal donation link into some notification in APP (or at least here at forum and at audiobus forum), so people can throw here and there at you at least few cents for keeping it live ... Or do one-time kickstarter campaign and set your goal which would allow you to keep it in EU store for free for next year .. and then create new campaingn for another year - so just keep customers to decide it they still want to have it alive in store.

    I believe there is still enough people who would appreciate to have NS available even through active development basically ended.

  • Well, thats the end of music making for me... Been a good 15 year run. Nanostudio 1 and 2 have acompanied me all this way, but now I´m to old to start learning a new DAW again. Cheers Matt and every beautiful iOS music-maker I´ve met during this time ❤

  • Since the app is no longer his main source of income, then he can be classified as a "non trader" so there are less obligations in the EU. I hope Matt reconsiders, NanoStudio 2 is a jewel and I would be heart broken to see it go from the store. I'll try to make backups and all that, but this is really sad news.

  • edited February 14

    There is also the yearly expense of an Apple Developer account that is needed to keep the app in the store. If the app isn't to make any money then that is a sunk cost for a developer.

  • Sunk cost for developer, but not for users, if everybody is really so upset, then put your stake where your mouth is, I will stake £1k right now in to the pot if Matt wants to sell to users on some kind of Blender type deal, I have always and still do maintain that NS2 could do some serious damage on the desktop too, it has some very small tweaks to put it on par with most of the high end DAWs available on desktop.
    If he is willing I am sure we could raise him a nice pot to bow out with, and then maybe do bounties for added features, much like Amiga bounties used to work.
    Does he even read the replies here though, or does somebody have more direct way to talk to him, to get him interested in this idea?

  • @dendy said:
    @Blip Interactive That phone number / address nonsense in EU is related only to paid apps - not to free apps .. so maybe just leave NS free in appstore and eventually add some patreon / paypal donation link into some notification in APP (or at least here at forum and at audiobus forum), so people can throw here and there at you at least few cents for keeping it live ... Or do one-time kickstarter campaign and set your goal which would allow you to keep it in EU store for free for next year .. and then create new campaingn for another year - so just keep customers to decide it they still want to have it alive in store.

    I believe there is still enough people who would appreciate to have NS available even through active development basically ended.

    That’s a brilliant idea 👏🏼

  • @number37 said:
    @Blip Interactive - I wonder if you could let us know if you'll be only removing the app from "sale" in the App Store, or if you'll be removing it altogether.

    Apps merely removed from sale in the App Store can still be restored by existing owners from their Purchased Items. Apps completely removed, or where the developer account is discontinued, can only be recovered from an iMazing backup.

    Seconding that question

  • edited February 19

    @starkfvx said:

    @number37 said:
    @Blip Interactive - I wonder if you could let us know if you'll be only removing the app from "sale" in the App Store, or if you'll be removing it altogether.

    Apps merely removed from sale in the App Store can still be restored by existing owners from their Purchased Items. Apps completely removed, or where the developer account is discontinued, can only be recovered from an iMazing backup.

    Seconding that question

    That's been pretty much answered. I think the developer account is not going to be renewed, which means the app will be fully removed either some time in April or some time after.

  • @WinConway said:
    Does he even read the replies here though, or does somebody have more direct way to talk to him, to get him interested in this idea?

    There's a contact form on the site: https://www.blipinteractive.co.uk/contact.php

  • These issues have been discussed a lot in the past. Yeah, everyone has a price, but NS2 can’t make that money back, in the current iOS environment. So a company would have to be willing to lose money on the deal. A lot of money. Best bet in the short term is for all of us to future proof our iDevices with NS2 on it. Maybe one day NS2 could be revived as NS3. I would love to see that. Maybe some talented dev will take on the task? It is really a discussion best had in the developer’s forum(s).

  • @Blip Interactive said:
    Hi all! I'm pleased to be able to announce that you can now download NanoStudio 2 and all IAP sound packs free of charge, no strings attached!

    Why? Well, new EU laws require traders to register a contact address and telephone number which will be displayed in the app's Store page. For the level of income that NS2 provides, this isn't worth setting up in my opinion.

    So rather than have the app disappear from the store I've instead made everything free so I can make a reasonable claim that I'm not 'trading'.


    I use to have a lot of respect for the UK and entire EU about providing personal protection laws that are/were much better than the US. Having to publicly include personal information that will be displayed to the public in the app store flies in the face of all the laws providing protection and confidentiality. It seems that this is a huge step backwards and stupid. There are better ways to identify “traders” than what they are now requiring. I can see that this will become a major deterrent from delving into independent app development. There were already too many greedy hands in the pie sucking the blood from honest, hardworking, and TALENTED developers.

    I know the entire community will miss this awesome app. For me, mainstream DAWs are simply overwhelming, fiddly, and overly complicated to a composing/producing hobbiest. NanoStudio 2 is such a well thought out, designed, and developed app. I understand the direction being turned away from; but, it is terrible to see things taken away like this.

    Maybe after this directive flows through the courts awhile, the UK and EU will see the drastic error they are making. Wishing you the best.

  • @GRK_Synths said:

    @Blip Interactive said:
    Hi all! I'm pleased to be able to announce that you can now download NanoStudio 2 and all IAP sound packs free of charge, no strings attached!

    Why? Well, new EU laws require traders to register a contact address and telephone number which will be displayed in the app's Store page. For the level of income that NS2 provides, this isn't worth setting up in my opinion.

    So rather than have the app disappear from the store I've instead made everything free so I can make a reasonable claim that I'm not 'trading'.


    I use to have a lot of respect for the UK and entire EU about providing personal protection laws that are/were much better than the US. Having to publicly include personal information that will be displayed to the public in the app store flies in the face of all the laws providing protection and confidentiality. It seems that this is a huge step backwards and stupid. There are better ways to identify “traders” than what they are now requiring. I can see that this will become a major deterrent from delving into independent app development. There were already too many greedy hands in the pie sucking the blood from honest, hardworking, and TALENTED developers.

    I know the entire community will miss this awesome app. For me, mainstream DAWs are simply overwhelming, fiddly, and overly complicated to a composing/producing hobbiest. NanoStudio 2 is such a well thought out, designed, and developed app. I understand the direction being turned away from; but, it is terrible to see things taken away like this.

    Maybe after this directive flows through the courts awhile, the UK and EU will see the drastic error they are making. Wishing you the best.

    What's the issue with defining yourself as a "non trader" when being independent developer?
    Non traders being private entities have no obligation to share an address and phone number.

  • @starkfvx said:
    What's the issue with defining yourself as a "non trader" when being independent developer?
    Non traders being private entities have no obligation to share an address and phone number.

    The issue is it's very ambiguous as to what conditions a seller can declare themselves a non trader. One can read the regulation as saying that if you sell anything for any money at all you are a trader, or read it as saying that if you don't sell enough that it qualifies as more than a hobby you can declare as a non trader. Neither is definitive.

    Personally I read it as the former, that unless you give product away or can prove you don't make a profit, then you are a trader. Regardless, I can understand anyone not wanting to have that risk hanging over their head. If EU tax authorities are anything like US tax authorities, audits are a huge burden, and you are assumed in violation until you prove otherwise should anyone decide to come after you.

  • @GRK_Synths
    For me, mainstream DAWs are simply overwhelming, fiddly, and overly complicated to a composing/producing hobbiest. NanoStudio 2 is such a well thought out, designed, and developed app.


  • edited March 6

    @number37 said:

    @starkfvx said:
    What's the issue with defining yourself as a "non trader" when being independent developer?
    Non traders being private entities have no obligation to share an address and phone number.

    The issue is it's very ambiguous as to what conditions a seller can declare themselves a non trader. One can read the regulation as saying that if you sell anything for any money at all you are a trader, or read it as saying that if you don't sell enough that it qualifies as more than a hobby you can declare as a non trader. Neither is definitive.

    Personally I read it as the former, that unless you give product away or can prove you don't make a profit, then you are a trader. Regardless, I can understand anyone not wanting to have that risk hanging over their head. If EU tax authorities are anything like US tax authorities, audits are a huge burden, and you are assumed in violation until you prove otherwise should anyone decide to come after you.

    Here facts. This has nothing to do with Taxes, even if you declare yourself as non-trader, if you sell some, you just have to proplerly pay taxes. Taxman doesn't give single fuck about if you are or aren't registered as trader / non-trader in Apple Appstore - Taxman just cares if you paid all taxes from all of your incomes.


    Important part:

    I woyld say it pretty much 100% fits Matt even if he keeps selling NS2 and IAPs for some price. Personally i have zero doubt Matt fits "non-trader" category, if he doesn't then nobody is.

  • Hmm. I agree. The questions still remains: does this then avoid the listing personal contact info? Maybe Matt could drop the other expenses and just let NS2 live on the AppStore with no support from Blip Interactive.

  • @SlapHappy said:
    Hmm. I agree. The questions still remains: does this then avoid the listing personal contact info?

    yup it does..

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