NanoStudio 2.1.2 now available



  • Thanks man. I've been back on it a little but I can't guarantee much beyond making sure everything in the app works as it should and adding smaller features here and there.

    One day some music app developers will have to say the 's' word. By this I mean subscription. It's the only way to make future updates less, er, 'weak'. Charging £99.99 or more would also work, like on desktop. Another way to do it would be as a loss leader funded by a high-priced desktop PC/Mac version.

    Otherwise these shenanigans ain't gonna work.

    I’ve said it before I’ll say it again Nano could be the Logic Pro of ios you get those audio tracks my $100 is waiting on you…. I’ll say it again you should’ve charged for the iPhone version as well. People don’t get rich by not selling their products. Bug fixes and regular maintenance is expected luxury items must be taxed. Don’t bite the bullet for cheap asses cause they’ll always want a handout. So my $100 is waiting it’s on you

  • @PUMP said:

    I’ve said it before I’ll say it again Nano could be the Logic Pro of ios you get those audio tracks my $100 is waiting on you…. I’ll say it again you should’ve charged for the iPhone version as well. People don’t get rich by not selling their products. Bug fixes and regular maintenance is expected luxury items must be taxed. Don’t bite the bullet for cheap asses cause they’ll always want a handout. So my $100 is waiting it’s on you

    +1000000 etc.

    IMHO NS2 is the best iOS DAW in so many ways. While I could be spending my time fighting to make other apps work together I’d rather just do a MIDI based track in NS2, work out if and what audio files I need and incorporate them with Obsidian or Slate as appropriate. It’s still more fun and direct than most other apps. Nothing has MIDI editing/arranging as good as NS2 I don’t care what anyone says. Automation entry and editing is easier. There’s more but I’ll stop now…

  • I was hoping the initial price for NS2 would have been twice as high as it was, and it gutted me to see the price cut so quickly to entice the iOS music app fence-sitters that only buy when an app is on a drastically reduced sale. I use NS2 everyday and I hope that there will one day be a new push to build the missing features. The wait for NS2 was 6 years. We have another 4 more to go….? I haven’t done the math.

  • I believe it was 7 years I could be wrong though. As a small guy in the business the hardest thing to learn is to sit on your price. You set your price and don’t waiver for awhile. Christmas sale price yes. Then the price goes back up and it doesn’t come down for awhile. Loopy Pro Matt has a nice idea for his pricing. I was pushing for nano hard but now I’m using BM3 more because of audio tracks. I absolutely hate bm3’ s UI and their mixer but, the organization and the audio tracks are there. Nano has the look, the stability, the functionality. But, when I get into a creative funk I start searching loops and nano just can’t fulfill that part yet. Maybe if he knows the support is there he’ll do it but I some what doubt it considering iPadBeatMaking offered him $1,000 and he never even replied.

  • tjatja
    edited May 2022

    @Blip Interactive said:

    Thanks man. I've been back on it a little but I can't guarantee much beyond making sure everything in the app works as it should and adding smaller features here and there.

    One day some music app developers will have to say the 's' word. By this I mean subscription. It's the only way to make future updates less, er, 'weak'. Charging £99.99 or more would also work, like on desktop. Another way to do it would be as a loss leader funded by a high-priced desktop PC/Mac version.

    Otherwise these shenanigans ain't gonna work.

    That will have been mentioned already:

    The ultimate solution for this is the Working Copy / Wotja / Loopy Pro method!

    Basically, instead of a subscription, you sell major versions.
    One per year or whatever fits you.
    If you manage to add smaller things within this time, those who bought within that year get them freely, those outside of that years can continue to use their older version without loosing anything.
    If they feel - at any time - that the amount of new features is worth it, they buy again and again and get all free updates for a year too.

    Got it?

    That is the best solution as it makes customers buy - again and again - when features are motivating to do so and makes developers motivated to add those features!

  • Just wanted to chime in and say I agree with the sentiment here that NanoStudio indeed needs to survive. Don’t even know how to begin to describe it. It’s not just some fun iOS music app to toy around with for a bit. In my view, it’s hands down the best mobile DAW out there. Ridiculously capable and amazingly robust, bolstered by an even more remarkable UI/UX.

    At under $20, I find it’s severely underpriced. Perhaps the developer suffers from a certain type of Imposter syndrome — or is just too humble — and kind of fails to grasp just how much value his brainchild provides for a lot of people out there?

    I would definitely be down with the annual sub model presented here by many people. Or with a simply raised MSRP. Or Patreon. Hell, whatever it takes.

    Please don’t give up on this thing. It’s become too important for many to fall by the wayside.

  • Just wanted to say that I love NS2. I’ve been making iOS music since 2010 - beginning with NS1. It is - like so many people have noted - by far the best of the iOS DAWs, with a wonderfully instinctive and rapid workflow. If, as now seems likely, the app will not be receiving too many big updates, that is heartbreaking.

  • @clocktoys said:
    Just wanted to say that I love NS2. I’ve been making iOS music since 2010 - beginning with NS1. It is - like so many people have noted - by far the best of the iOS DAWs, with a wonderfully instinctive and rapid workflow. If, as now seems likely, the app will not be receiving too many big updates, that is heartbreaking.

    Yeah, pity it is:( I believe there are valid reasons behind it and I wish @Blip Interactive wonderful new year as much as everyone in here as well;)

  • Hi, I just got ns2 and read about these circumstances. I wanted to say, that it is the most intuitive DAW I have tried on iOS, most things immediately clicked with me and it’s wonderfully designed. I also find it sad that it’s unable to be developed further. But I also wanted to give my +1 to the mentions of willingness for more monetary support. I wouldn’t mind purchasing a yearly update eligibility (like loopy pro does it) and having the base app priced higher is also quite sensible. Cubasis has a noticeably higher price but doesn’t even have certain features ns2 has.

  • Welcome @Flavelius !!
    You are clearly a right-minded individual! 😊 I and many NS2 users share your sentiment. NS2 is super intuitive, with a great workflow for how I create music, and I find it is the best tool to actually complete pieces of music. That last bit is something many people agree with. I for one believe when it comes to NS2, never say never. Situations change.

  • NS2 behaves like I programmed it. If I could program…

    The point being, for me it’s totally intuitive in a way no other iOS DAW is. NOTHING beats it as far as I’m concerned.

  • @anickt said:
    NS2 behaves like I programmed it. If I could program…

    The point being, for me it’s totally intuitive in a way no other iOS DAW is. NOTHING beats it as far as I’m concerned.

    Can't say it better. I see it same way. For me it's literally when NS2 for some reason stops working at some point in future, it's very close to 100% that i am done for good with iOS platform.

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