Any news? It’s been a while;)
@Blip Interactive hello there, don’t want to disturb in any way but just wondering if something is happening to Nano in future or at all? Since there is bit of silence around here. It could perhaps spark more interest maybe. In anyway I’m not pushing so no worries, ns2 is amazing 🤩
Have a great day;)
@9ine6ix :DDD lol 😂
Na looks like it's headed in the same direction as the first Nanostudio.... I wanna pump this app so bad but with failure to deliver on promises I'm about done with it I have 20 people that have bought the app because of me that I have to hear complaining about no audio tracks after they was promised to be add by the end of 2019.... I'm just gonna stick to big name developers from here on out they have the money, and teams available to deliver on what we need.... I really hate it because this app is the Logic Pro of the iPad and could be number 1 if the audio tracks were present. This app has the only true "computer daw" work flow and honestly the audio tracks would've been a better addition than an iPhone version.... Beatmaker 3 has great success and it's iPad only.... Cubasis didn't offer an iPhone version until Cubasis 3 and Auria still doesn't offer one.... I think audio tracks should have been a priority over the phone because in all honesty the iPad is more important than the phone when it comes to music making. It's more powerful therefore more capable.
@Blip Interactive
Are you still with us..
2020 was a rough year and the pandemic isn’t over. A lot of people have had their lives up-ended and become home school teachers or primary care givers to sick family. I have spent a great deal of time shopping for elderly family members and I had to drop most of my goals for 2020. My personal income went from little to none. My ‘First World’ desires for updates to NS2 have been forced to take a back seat to more realistic concerns. I can only hope that Blip Interactive has fared well during this pandemic and will be able to continue supporting this amazing app when the bigger problems in life allow.
Man I get what your saying but I’m talking about what was promised before the pandemic even hit. I understand the pandemic more than anyone. 5 years ago one of my oldest kids drowned and died 11 days after her 21st birthday she’s a twin. I have a 5 year old daughter who has febrile seizures, a wife with an immune disease, a mother that was advised by doctors to not even be around anyone with a common cold because she has artificial knees, and my sister is 350lbs with COPD if she gets it she’s as good as dead. I’ve had an auntie, 2 cousins and 3 close friends parents all die from COVID. Jan. 4th my cousin was murdered shot 8 times. In Feb. my friends 24 year old son was murdered shot in the head. Last week my daughter’s, the surviving twin, boyfriend shot himself in the head right in front of her face in her apartment. Two days ago my best friends daughter’s kids where in a house fire where the 10 year old and 3 year old had to jump out of the second story window and the 5 year old was rescued from under the bed. The 10 year old will now be blind because of glass in her eyes and she has a broken pelvis, the 3 year just a broken leg and the 5 year old is in critical condition on a ventilator. All this and I’m a fire fighter that has to be around and in peoples homes, cars and faces the entire time I’m at work whether they are sick, bleeding etc. I got the vaccine to protect the citizens I serve and my family. Some people in my line of work are scared to get the vaccine because technically it’s still in testing stages but there is a law that’s trying to be passed right now saying we will not be considered a “line of duty” death if we get COVID and die without getting the shot. Which means our families wouldn’t receive any benefits for our deaths. I bought this app full price and all of the IAP’s full price as well. Whether anyone likes it or not I still have the right to share my disappointment.... Incase you don’t understand I want this to be my one and only DAW and right now it can’t be so yes I will share my disappointment every now and then for something I wish to happen that was promised until I find out further if it’s going to happen or not. If it isn’t, fine I just want to know so I can place this app where it needs to be as a GROOVEBOX and get the thought of this ever being my go to DAW out of my head. I just feel audio tracks should have been priority over the phone app. After audio tracks were perfected then the phone app could’ve been created making it even more capable for those phone users. As it stands if I was a phone user Nano has no advantage over Cubasis 3 who will remain top dog until someone makes it possible to contend with them with actual start to finish complete songs. Even GarageBand which is still free is more capable on the phone. I pray Matt is doing ok and hasn’t experienced any tragedy during this pandemic as well as anyone reading this also. I pray for the world but, that doesn’t mean we stop living that’s how you get through day by day you live because you have no other choice. People depend on you to live. I pray that your situation clears up that you get abundantly blessed with more income than you had coming in before and that every one you love stays healthy as well. I’ve never been a person to sugar coat how I feel I’m a true friend when everyone else is telling you yes I’ll be the one to point out the no. God bless everyone and be safe
I’m sorry to hear about the tragedies in your life.
I hear you and agree: you do have a right to your opinion. We all do.
Everyone on this forum wants audio tracks, even if we won’t use them much.
Some consider NS2 a groovebox because it doesn’t have traditional audio tracks. That is a valid definition. For me NS2 is a dream to work with and I consider it complete enough for my needs. We all have the majority of those other apps. They are all tools which people can use mix & match fashion to find their preferred workflow. I think If other people need to work in GB or other apps for audio then that should be the way forward for them. I don’t speak against it. But no matter what is written in this forum, we can’t change the situation with NS2.
I commend you for your work as a fire fighter. That is heroic work that involves a lot of self-sacrifice. Just a theoretical question for you: If you spent 6 years fighting fires, and when you were expecting to finally get paid for 6 years of work you suddenly found out you were only going to be paid for a tiny fraction of that time, would you rush back to fighting fires? Would you need to take some time for your family and maybe you own sanity? Then a pandemic hits...
What do you do?
You sound as though you are a strong person, having endured a lot in your life. I would just hope that you and others that post on this and other forums would realize that at the end of the day there is a real person who has to take care of a family. Hoped for deadlines...? Those are moveable goal posts and we should not add pressure that can be part of the barrier to making progress. I for one would find it hard to continue working on NS2 after all of the negative posts after initial release. I think positive feed back will get us more positve results. Remember that you get more bees with honey than you do vinegar.
@PUMP Did you loose your Enter key?
I cannot read what you wrote.... not possible
Also curious about updates, does anyone have any insights? Can anyone confirm if @Blip Interactive is continuing development on this?
The silence has become a bit disconcerting. I don't even really care about audio tracks at the moment, just hoping Matt is alive and well.
If nothing else changed except the addition of audio tracks I would never use any other DAW on iOS. For my purposes NS2 has the absolute best workflow and UX. I’ve tried so hard to work with the others but there’s always something that makes me say “too bad this isn’t implemented like in NS2”. My compromise is to use NS2 and Cubasis 3. Not as much fun as it could be. I know, I’m a broken record on this… 🤣
@anickt I agree, the workflow in NS2 is unrivaled for efficiency on iOS. I can't stand working Cubasis or Auria because everything is counterintuitive for me, so for audio tracks on iOS I've been using MultitrackDAW (a golden oldie these days). However, a deal in the Apple refurbished shop has afforded me an M1 Mac Mini and enough room in the budget for Logic Pro - after exporting stems from NS2, then mixing and mastering in Logic Pro, this may be my preferred workflow for the next project or two. My hope now is that NS2 will at some point be available on MacOS, ideally as an AU/VST that can be loaded into Logic Pro (similar to how FL Studio for desktop can run as a plugin).
I have Logic on my Mac Pro but my work (video editing) is all done on the Mac and I just like to get away from it so I don't do any music on it. Everything I do in NS2 or other apps (usually AUM) gets exported to wav and then arranged in Cubasis 3. I tried most of the other DAW's including MTD and found I get along best with CB3. I try to do as much as possible in NS2 however.
the Nano Studio 2 iphone version is more in important to me then the ipad version because i always have my iphone with me, i can always have it with me anywhere i go, which I can't say the same about an the ipad,,,, and having Nano Studio 2 and all my auv3 always ready on my pocket for when inspiration and motivation strikes is more important to me, basically an iphone all ready for production to me is the complete definition of mobile production or mobile beat making,,, an ipad can be cool at home or a few other places, but with the iphone you can start nanostudio 2 open obsidian and start sampling the rain while you are under rain, you can even go under water and record the sound of that, and right after that, you can start making a beat , to me that's the real definition of mobile production, and why the iphone version of NS2 is more important to me then the ipad version !!!
Both are fine the most important thing for me is audio tracks. Which were actually promised over 2 years ago. Also being one of the reasons I bought the app. Failure to deliver on that makes no sense and now dropping the ball with this last lame update makes me upset. If you can’t deliver don’t promise it. Other wise I wouldn’t have wasted my money. I have plenty of beat making apps I can make music just fine in all of the others. I thought we was gonna have the best daw ever here and we almost did. Now this app is a waste of money for me and that’s all. I’m using either Cubasis 3 or Zenbeats because I can do it all. If the audio tracks were here would I use either of those? No I was prepared to delete every other daw I owned. Hands down stability, mixing, midi editing, and everything else here is great!!!! Failure to implement what you promised not only allowed Cubasis to do the same thing create an iPhone app. But, also allowed them to have an iPhone app with audio tracks as well. Right now Cubasis is the best thing on iPad or iPhone to me. Followed by GarageBand. Nano could be the Logic Pro of this whole mobile music creation era but, I think there is a lack of focus on the road map. I swear if I could code I would help dude myself audio tracks would be my job and I would do it for free…. On top of that it’s what every bodies been asking for and THE major complaint.
@PUMP, I'm guessing that you are independently wealthy, or supported by parents or the State, if you could afford to work for free. Most people can't and still have to work paying jobs to pay the bills. Projects such as this don't generate enough income to do that, so they only get the amount of time left over after doing what that and the rest of life takes.
It ain't lack of focus on the road map. It's lack of time.
Good to know you have other tools that work OK for you.
No one ‘promised’ anything. It was stated that audio tracks were a feature planned for in the future, along withnother features. All plans change, especially when the hoped for income falls way short. There is no legitimate complaint here. Companies stop supporting software entirely all the time. Some software sells well and others do not. What could have been might have been if there was less sitting on the fence and waiting for discount sales early on, but what’s done is done. Many can use Slate for audio or use MultuTrack Recorder as an AU audio tracks. Additionally, no one has said there is no way that audio tracks can’t happen one day. The reality is just that the market didn’t support the app, and other than minor updates (which I am thankful for!), throwing large amounts of time for what appears to be a rather small amount of sales just doesn’t add up. That is basic business and it works that way everywhere.
They were promised by the end of 2019 before COVID even hit on this website!!!! Where have you all been? I’ve talked 20 people into buying this app. In case you all didn’t know there’s a community of iOS users disappointed in no audio tracks. Including the likes of Multi platinum producers Henny the Business, Bolo Da Producer and more. Bring audio tracks and they pump this app into the masses of their thousands of followers. Right now iPad Pro users are your largest market!!!! What should have happened was audio tracks 1st. Then, charge for the upgrade. 2nd bring out the iPhone app with audio tracks…. I know 30 people that haven’t bought this app because of audio tracks. Survey your audience and deliver what drives sales. This is literally the Logic Pro of IOS/iPadOS

If I can get you kiss ups out of the way and get Matt’s attention I can show him how to get more money…. This was just from one of my followers on Instagram 1 of the people I convinced to buy. Audio tracks will shoot this app into another place that he’s only imagined.
I just want to see this app succeed Matt give the users what they want and you will. You have the best mixer, the best workflow, the best stock effects, the best midi editor, and the best built in synth. Audio tracks
@PUMP We all want to see NS succeed but the truth is there is no silver bullet. Even if ten multi-platinum producers sang praises about NS, they would maybe inspire a couple hundred people to put money into NS. Like Matt said, the musicians and producers, hobbyist and professional, who are open to mobile apps are not a big enough target audience, you need casual users to make a living on it.
Sure, audio tracks were early on the roadmap when NS2 came out but plans change when you come face to face with reality. Let me just give you an example: when Apple came out with wireless charging for iPhones, they also said that they would release a charging mat accessory later on. This is a similar roadmap ”promise”. Then reality happened and they scuttled the plan altogether in 2019, not postponed, cancelled. These things happen, roadmap plans are not promises, they are a look at what’s planned ahead at the moment.
I get why you are angry, I want audio tracks too, but I honestly don’t think you can tell Matt anything he doesn’t already know, he’s got a very good picture of what the mobile market is like right now. But he is the only one who has an accurate picture of the cost of producing audio tracks.
Anyway, don’t worry, we are not in your way, you have just as much chance of getting Matt’s attention than before any of us replied. I’m only trying to help you see another point of view to the situation. If that’s not something you want, you can safely ignore me, I don’t mind.
Listen to what you said in the beginning. You do know how the law of averages works right? Ten multi platinum inspire a couple of hundred. A couple of hundred inspire a couple of hundred more. The law of averages says the more people you speak to the more you sell. Yes the more no’s you receive as well but that’s just a part of it. I’m starting a trash bin cleaning company in the states right now with 2 other people. We are the first to bring it here it’s not easy. We don’t have a lot of money but we are pushing. One day at a time. Bill gates said “Most people over estimate what they can do in a year but, under estimate what they can do in 10 years”. That speaks volumes!!!! I’m here to inspire. A couple of hundred sales at $30 is $6000 who couldn’t use that? You said a couple of hundred like it’s nothing it’s a start. Our price to clean two trash cans is $25. We have full time careers using gas and taking time from our families to try and build this business. I know the struggles, the commitment, the money. We have a $26,000 debt to clear before we can even start thinking about a profit and now that we started 2 other companies have come to join the party 2 months after us. We’re not gonna turn profit for at least 2 years. We have to think fleet before profit. If the passion is there it’s there if it’s lost I get that if it needs fuel and the truth I’ll be that. You can’t push a man by saying oh it’s ok, maybe next time, we understand. You push a man by saying you got this!!!! You can do it!!!! Get out there and get it!!!! Leave nothing to question!!!! Leave it all out there!!!! I make hardly any money from music. This year I’ve made $200 from music but, everyday I still push. That $200 was made from an instrumental I made in NanoStudio. 20 years in music I’m still pushing. I’m one of those casual people you talk about. Seeing how I don’t make a living from music. Maybe you do? If so congrats wish I could.
That's less than average monthly salary of senior C++ developer in UK.
Just sayin', to put numbers in perspective.
That’s how it works if there is an infinite market out there, my point is that the market is saturated and there aren’t that many people around to inspire. If every aspiring mobile producer hobbyist got NS2, I think that would be under 10000 people. That would be awesome but not realistic in the least.
If you’re pushing every day, you’re definitely a prosumer at the very least, not casual at all. What I mean by casual is the ones who might buy a piano app for fun and play aroud a bit or maybe think about becoming a trap producer for two weeks before they find something new. There just aren’t that many people around who think of mobile music apps as tools. That booming industry from the 2010’s has slowly fizzled out.
Everyone, absolutely, but as a business owner you know that’s not the full picture. First, there’s Apple’s cut of 30%: -$1800 = 4200, then there’s the cost of running a business. Let’s be optimistic and make it 400/mo. If audio tracks take 4 months to produce (I’m being optimistic again), that’s -$1600 = 2600, taxes, let’s say 30%, pension (don’t know UK’s policy, in my country it’s 24% for entrepeneurs, but tax deductible so let’s say 17%), so 47% for queen and country: -$1222 = $1378. So that $6000 became $1378 for 4 months of work, $344,50 per month. Not exactly a living wage. The scale needs to be a couple orders larger to support a business.
Your trash bin cleaning company has an emerging market, so you have all the hardships of a pioneer but you also have the potential for huge growth, the mobile music app market seems to me to be in decline, so the potential is completely different.
As for me, I consider myself a hobbyist, I’ve been making music for 30 years as a hobby, I finish maybe 5 or 6 full length tracks a year and a pile of short ends for various purposes. I support myself as a freelance illustrator and I use the music I make for marketing my business on social media. My plays on spotify are well under 100 for each release, so that 200 you made is goals for me, and super impressive!
Anyway, I honestly wish your business takes off like a rocket and leaves the competitors behind. Just don’t get burnout, that shit sucks.
Trust us, we feel your pain, and there is nothing that you are saying that hasn’t been hashed out and rehashed out many times before the app released.
Audio tracks and other features were planned, and hoped for with tentative and changing schedules. When sales fell way too short, plans had to change. After you spend 6 years cleaning garbage cans and still don’ make a profit you will understand that at some point you need to be realistic. All the optimism in the world won’t help feed your family.
Maybe. Hindsight is 20/20 and everyone is free to have an opinion. The reality is that there wasn’t strong competition on iPhone, so when initial sales on iPad were low, it made sense to follow the track record of NS1, which had fantastic sales on iPhone. The hope was that iPhone sales might make up for poor performance of iPad sales and make future development more realistic. To keep bringing up the ‘Audio Tracks should have come before iPhone version’ argument is mis-informed on your part. iPhone development happened at the same time as iPad development, but at the end of initial development (last couple of months) focus was put on getting iPad out first, then Matt put in a couple months (trying to recall…) focus on perfectionist aspects of the iPhone version. Trust me when I say that the iPhone version was done and I was using it a lot before iPad was released. A couple of months were put into tiny tweaks. There is no way that Audio Tracks could have been done in the same amount of time. Audio Tracks (based on my impression of the time consumed with other features) would be a year long process. At least. You may keep harping on the iPhone shoulda come later argument, but that was never an option and I explain this here hoping that people just drop this fictitious argument.
I think that if those 30 people had bought the app at initial release, and hundreds of iOS musicians hadn’t waited stubbornly for half price sales, and their friends told their friends, yeah. Maybe things could have been different. The iOS music community spoke. And now this is where we are. There are a small number of NS2 fans that wish there had been a financial success. The discussion should be on the AB forum of weather or not many iOS musician/producers care if they didn’t support NS2 fully and maybe could have been spoiled by cheap app prices. When someone puts in the effort that really should have gone into a desktop app, the iOS community argued about wether they should buy it because they all had so many apps already. Please stop blaming Matt for the situation. He put in the work and we all agree that NS2 is amazing.
Want to help? Start a GoFundMe to raise $100,000 to pay for Matt to code for a year, then let’s see how awesome the Audio Tracks are. I doubt there are enough people who want audio tracks in NS2 enough to raise $1,000. If by some miracle it works, the money is raised and audio tracks are added, I will be humored by the new reasons people come up with for not buying NS2.
I have had disappointment in other DAWs on desktop. I spent $350 for a DAW that within a year was no longer being supported. I know the pain. How much has anyone invested in NS2? I paid full price for the app and all of the IAPs and that money couldn’t fill my gas tank. The reality is that NS2 still does what it always has done, and it does it really well, and it isn’t abandoned. If someone really needs audio tracks, Garageband is free. MultiTrack Recorder is cheap. And there are other apps. So really, the need for audio tracks has been met by other apps, and the demand for audio tracks in NS2 is a tiny niche of a small market.
I would fund Matt $1K right now. But not because I want audio tracks…because I don’t 😂
Great! Maybe my assessment of the fundraising was a bit of hyperbole. I’ll commit to match the $1,000 donation. Let’s see how much we can raise on the forum.
So basically you don’t actually want the product to be improved.
So now your opine is worth about 96 cents to me.
Exactly this. I do not have an iPad - I only have an iPhone because my work provides one so I am contactable 24/7.
Being able to make music on it in NS2 is wonderful for me. 2 minutes waiting for a work issue to compile? Phone out, add some automation to the filter cutoff of the melody line I wrote on the train in to the office earlier.
iPhone version of NS2 was for me a life changer - not a game changer - a genuine life changer.
Yes. I agree.
Ok guys, why don’t we cool it with the ad hominems. By my count it’s about even now.