Can’t arm track for recording and clips are all grayed out

I am unable to arm my tracks for recording. Clicking on the arm button in the mixer does nothing. Also all the clips are gray. See screenshot. Thanks.


  • edited December 2020

    you have activated track auomation view... in this view tapping track header you jump inside that track to see all automatable insert effects on track

    to jump out of this view, just tap white active icon at top left side

  • Thanks Dendy. I still can’t figure out why I can’t arm a track for recording. The R’s are blacked out.

  • edited December 2020

    "R" stands for "read" not recording :) these R/W buttons are related to track automation of bundled FX plugins,.. to record insert fx automation, enable "W" (write) then hit play and tweak for example cutoff of filter plugin which you inserted to track.. it records automation.. "R" then can enable or disable this recorded automation ...

  • Okay, so is there no “arm” for recording. I’m trying to record a track using the Minimoog au plugin but it does not record. After you made me realize there is no track arming I tried with Obsidian and it recorded so it must be something peculiar related to the minimoog.

  • @tortuga said:
    Okay, so is there no “arm” for recording. I’m trying to record a track using the Minimoog au plugin but it does not record. After you made me realize there is no track arming I tried with Obsidian and it recorded so it must be something peculiar related to the minimoog.

    You need to use the Nanostudio AU instrument’s keyboard, not Minimoog’s own keyboard. It should work exactly like Obsidian’s keyboard.

  • edited December 2020

    Holy Cow! That was it!

    You guys are awesome!

  • @Stiksi said:

    You need to use the Nanostudio AU instrument’s keyboard, not Minimoog’s own keyboard. It should work exactly like Obsidian’s keyboard.

    @tortuga You can also use a virtual midi keyboard/controller outside of NanoStudio to record notes inside Nanostudio, you don’t just have to use the built in keyboard. I usually use animoog, touchscaper or chordion personally.

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