Feature Request: MIDI mappings to make the most of Korg's NanoKONTROL Studio controller
I recently bought a Korg NanoKONTROL Studio. This inexpensive bluetooth controller runs on batteries or USB and has 8 channel strips. I use the fader and pan control of each channel to control the matching (mapped) channel controls in NanoStudio 2's mixer.
Below are a number of requests which, if implemented, would allow me to keep my hands on the controller during live performances.
Note: I would be happy to chip in some $$$ or purchase one of these controllers for you as an incentive/aid to add the following feature requests.
Request 1: MIDI control of track selection via 'Select' button
Each channel strip also has a 'Select' button. This is redundant for mixer management, but it would be handy to be able to use this to select the track that receives MIDI from my second device, a Korg NanoKEY Studio.
In explanation: in order to control only one NS2 device at a time, I enter the IN/OUT TRACK INPUT section for each channel, and set 'Track receives MIDI when' to SELECTED. This ensures that I am only controlling one Obsidian or Slate at a time (which is what I want).
This would be the equivalent of tapping on the track name in NS2's mixer.
Request 2: MIDI control of channel 'Mute' button
Each channel strip also has a 'Mute' button. It would be great if this could mute the mapped track.
This would be the equivalent of tapping on the 'M' button in NS2's mixer.
Request 3: MIDI control of channel 'Solo' button
Each channel strip also has a 'Solo' button. It would be great if this could solo the mapped track.
This would be the equivalent of tapping on the 'S' button in NS2's mixer.
Request 4a: MIDI control of channel 'Write' button
Request 4b: MIDI control of channel 'Read' button
Each channel strip also has a 'Rec' button. It would be great if this could toggle writing ('W' on the mapped track) or reading ('R' on the mapped track). There are context menus involved here, which complicate this.
** Request 5: MIDI control of transport controls ('Play', 'Stop / Go to start', 'Rec')
The controller also has a playback section ('Go to start', 'Stop', 'Play', 'Rec'). It would be great if these could be mapped to the corresponding functions in NS2.
** Request 6: MIDI control of transport position ('scrubbing')
The controller also has a jog dial. I'm not sure how feasible it is, but it would be handy to be able to scrub back and forth in NS2's arranger using this dial.
There are other buttons on the controller, but I think the above requests cover off my main use cases for it.
Hi @Panoramica (Dan), I've been spending the past few days working on how I could use NS2 live, so your post interests me... Much of what you've asked for I'd find useful as well, although perhaps I've been using NS2 differently. I've been trying to use NS2 more like a section-based groovebox, much like @3sleeves did well in this video:
I too would like to be able to control record arming/disarming in particular from a midi key. If this is possible, I suggest being able to midi map these controls and save them as part of a template.
There are probably other things I'd like to control from midi.... and I'm betting the code is well structured and clean enough to make this possible,
I'm going to keep working on how best (for me! others may want to do it differently) to use NS2 as a live groovebox, since it's a really stable and usable app. I know it's not intended for live use, but IMO it's really usable.... Who would pay for a groovebox version, with clip launching, for example? I would!
I'm considering buying an Akai Force, and perhaps that cash could be put to better use...
Has anyone already created a tutorial video on how to jam live on NS2?
This is exactly why NS2 is usable live - not because it has groovebox capabilities, but because it's far more stable than any of the other solutions that I've trialled.
Being iOS based it's also more portable than even a laptop (although sunlight is still a problem), and this is why I've purchased battery powered controllers rather than something bulky like the Akai Force.
I'm semi-homeless so my gear has to be as portable as possible anyway. NS2 fits my workflow of combining user recorded samples and synthesis, which to me makes it a creative tool rather than just a toy. On that note, I recently spent an enjoyable evening at a local campground cutting loops while making hot chocolate. That was done running NS2 on my iPhone with a Rode iXYL mic. I was amazed at how little battery power was used - cold fingers sent me to bed before the battery did.
At some point I'm going to do a video of my group based MIDI setup, I wrote this post in the hope of addressing some of the limitations I found when putting that together.
Since NS2 is MIDI based, perhaps there is another app that can plug in to it to offer scene based sequencing?
^ How to do a feature request properly. Respect!