Hey Guys!
WTF! Woke up this morning to an explosion on AB Forum. I can't get through reading the posts to get to where I can post something! Over-whelmed. Should I just ignore reading posts like a lot of people seem to do and go to the end and ask questions...?
And I see a bunch of threads over here now. FFS! Aren't you guys busy using NS2? Get off the internet and make something to give me time to catch up with the posts! (practicing my grumpy old man shtick - hope you enjoy).
Formerly known as Slam-Cut. Hope my new name is a tad bit better than the old one I lazily picked out of a dictionary....
I did forget to mention how awesome the forum looks. Thanks for the remodel @Matt! I haven't done a proper look around yet. Been busy trying to read through the AB forum thread. Damn. Now I'm back home to start reading the threads over here.
I thought there had to be some kind of meeting lounge for us old daddies. what about an NS2 competition?
I was pianoyan on the old forum. I've outed myself on the new one. Hi!
Hiya! This forum is looking good.
Haha, hi guys!
Good to see you back, dear daddies!
If I shout BM2 and run out quickly will I get lynched
Close enough I guess !!!
It's like saying "New York City" in a Pace Picante ad, or asking someone holding some Polaner All-Fruit to "Please pass the jelly"
Damn kids and their electronic gizmos! Can anyone help me program my VCR?
Hey Guys!
WTF! Woke up this morning to an explosion on AB Forum. I can't get through reading the posts to get to where I can post something! Over-whelmed. Should I just ignore reading posts like a lot of people seem to do and go to the end and ask questions...?
And I see a bunch of threads over here now. FFS! Aren't you guys busy using NS2? Get off the internet and make something to give me time to catch up with the posts! (practicing my grumpy old man shtick - hope you enjoy).
Formerly known as Slam-Cut. Hope my new name is a tad bit better than the old one I lazily picked out of a dictionary....
Hey! What happened to the good old forum?? This one's to shiny and new!!

But the old regulars are coming back...
Kia ora from New Zild
I am keeping the old name I randomly picked out of the air because I have no imagination
Good to see names old and new!
I did forget to mention how awesome the forum looks. Thanks for the remodel @Matt! I haven't done a proper look around yet. Been busy trying to read through the AB forum thread. Damn. Now I'm back home to start reading the threads over here.
Hey you kids! Get off my lawn!
Good to be back, new DAW, new forum, old members.
Class of 2010 here, respect to my fellow Sad NS1 Old-Timers!
Hi there, on the old forum I was registered as Doucetephemere.
Welcome Douce 👍🏼
Great to see everyone here as well
But hey @Stiksi and @this_poison Where did you get the badges???
Audiogus posted a link to the wayback machine. Most of the threads are dead but there were a few where you can hunt for your comment. https://web.archive.org/web/20171011190740/http://forums.blipinteractive.co.uk:80/forum/2?page=3
Hey mates.
Class of 2011 here. I remember when I first purchased Nanostudio 1 through iTunes on a PC and transferred it to my iPod Touch 4th Gen, lol.
Blimey, I’m a newbie compared to some of you lot.
Yeah but... you've gone way past a lot of us, so... there's that.
But Atticus is the only one who will permanently be remembered as being online 😀
He’s suck in a time warp, or we just finally busted him for going on the forum and staying logged in while he did other things.
Well - I can’t find any old posts but I was here right after purchase!