Future Bass/Bounce In NS2
Hi guys, I’m really new to this DAW, and was wondering if there was potential to make genres like Future Bass and Future Bounce? I’ve been having trouble making the sounds that I need for the genres. I don’t even know if there is a way to share projects but it would be awesome if someone could send me a project or audio file on these genres made solely with NS2.
can you share some examples, or ideally some YT tutorials for this kind of sounds ?
i can try to make some Obsidian patches ;-) Obsidian is pretty powerfull, it can do almost any kind of sound :-)
@dendy Sure thing! Here’s a link to a sound I would like to replicate.
Yes it is serum sorry. I understand it’s hard to exactly replicate the effects.
Also, for the future Bass, I’m looking to make really full, crisp sounding saw chords.
P.S. I have also noticed that the unison effect in obsidian is not like that of other synths, I keep noticing that there is a part at the start of the sound that I don’t really like. I was wondering if there was a way I could get rid of it? Sorry for my lack of a better explanation.
No wondering, Serum is simply best SW synth ever made on all platforms
)) Anyway.. there is a lot you can do with Obsidian.. let's see what i can do, you can always combine obsidian patch with some insert FXs
Will be back when i will create something useful
I know exactly what you're talking about. It's oscialltor sync - all Obsidian oscillators are by default phase synced, so unison mode sounds a bit like chorus effect, you hear effect of synced unison voices.
What you want, is go from phase synced to phase random. Just add in mod matrix modulation
Source: Key > Rand 1
Destination: Osc All > Phase
Additionaly, you can use Rand 1 > Osc 1, Rand 2 > Osc2, and Rand 2 (different amount of modulation) to Osc3 if you want to introduce even more randomness (but this is usually don't needed)
It will instantly change character of unison ;-)
Note that this works for all oscillators except of SAMPLE - for sample you need to modulate "sample start" with very small amount (1-10) instead of "Phase", because for samples "osc phase" is not defined ...
@dendy thank you so much! I look forward to hearing the patches! Thanks for the help on unison
check this project .. probably not the same sound, , but in that direction, it's like "that kind of sounds"
there is kick + 3 layers -i think key full rich interesting sound is layering different sounds ..
hope it helps you to get into proper direction, i'm pretty sure you can get lot closer to original sound, i'm just not listening this genre too much so i haven't it too much in my ears ;-)
Thank you very much! I’ll put these to good use